Today the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul was invited to the ordinations of Bishop Rene Ramirez and Bishop Thinh Nguyen as auxiliary Bishops for Melbourne. It was a lovely ceremony at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in the City. Many bishops and priests attended the celebration to honour the newly appointed bishops, including the Nuncio Apostolico to Australia, His Excellency Archbishop the Most Rev. Charles Daniel Balvo and the new Cardinal of Australia, His Eminence Mykola Bychok, of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Eparchy of Saints Peter and Paul in Melbourne. Thank you to The Most Rev. Archbishop Peter A Comensoli and the staff of the Archdiocese Pauline and Annie for the invitation. We are here to serve. With every good wish. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP Melbourne. Australia.
Click on picture to enlarge: The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.
From left: Cardinal His Eminence Mykola Bychok Rev. Fr. Nhan Le Parish Priest of Avondale Heights The Most Rev. Archbishop Peter A Comensoli
Nixtiequ navzaw li l-festa ta San Blas li kellha ssir ghada thassret minhabba l-maltemp. Din se ssir nhar il-Hadd 16 ta Frar .Marc mil Banda Mnarja jibda fl-10 00am u wara ssir Quddiesa fl-10 30am.
Mons. Dun Victor Grech laid to rest after state-organised funeral at St John’s Co-Cathedral Malta bids farewell to the former director of Caritas
8 February 2025, by Nicole Meilak
Dun Victor Grech's coffin being placed onto the funeral hearse (Photo: Ilenia Debono/Maltatoday) Dun Victor Grech was laid to rest on Saturday with a ceremony that paid tribute to his profound impact on the lives of countless individuals. The influential priest, who dedicated his life to helping those battling substance abuse, passed away on February 5 at the age of 95. His funeral service at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta was both a sombre and emotional occasion, attended by figures from across Maltese society, as well as many of those whose lives were touched by Grech’s tireless work. The condolences book at the entrance of St John's Co-Cathedral (Photo: Ilenia Debono/MaltaToday)The funeral began with a cortege that took Grech’s hearse from the San Blas rehabilitation centre in Żebbuġ, through Ibraġġ where he had spent much of his life and ministry, before arriving at Valletta. Along the route, people lined the streets, some braving the steady rain, to pay their respects to a man who had devoted his life to helping others. Among the pallbearers were individuals whose lives Grech had helped transform, including people who had once struggled with substance abuse and found hope and recovery through his work. The sound of tenor Joseph Calleja’s powerful rendition of Ave Maria filled the cathedral as Grech’s coffin was carried inside. In his homily, Archbishop Charles Scicluna described Dun Victor as “a prophet,” highlighting the profound transformation he had brought to the lives of those struggling with addiction. “Dun Victor wasn’t only a priest, but also a prophet,” Scicluna said. “He saved and restored so many people, and was a true patriot who stood by his country in every way.” Scicluna delivered an emotional eulogy that stirred the congregation. “We love you and we thank you, Dun Victor,” the Archbishop said, prompting an outpouring of applause from the packed church. Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife Lydia arriving at St John's Co-Cathedral (Photo: Ilenia Debono/MaltaToday)The cathedral was filled to capacity with individuals from all walks of life. Among the dignitaries present were President Myriam Spiteri Debono and her husband, Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife, Lydia, Opposition Leader Bernard Grech with his wife AnneMarie, Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti, Speaker of the House Anglu Farrugia, and European Parliament President Roberta Metsola. Ministers, permanent secretaries, and Members of Parliament from both sides of the political spectrum also paid their respects. The mass was attended by those who had worked alongside Grech at Caritas, as well as many of the individuals who had benefited from his guidance and support, including former President George Abela, who had volunteered with the organization. On Friday, hundreds of people visited the San Blas centre in Żebbuġ to pay their respects, as Grech’s body lay in repose in the place where he dedicated much of his life’s work. President Myriam Spiteri Debono arriving at the funeral (Photo: Ilenia Debono/MaltaToday)Grech’s legacy is deeply intertwined with Caritas Malta, which he helped establish in 1977. Serving as director for decades, he was instrumental in advocating for drug rehabilitation, mental health awareness, and social support services. His voice became familiar to many through his long-running advice programme on public radio, which he hosted for 50 years. His lifelong commitment to social work earned him national and European recognition. He was appointed a Member of the National Order of Merit in 1993, received the European Citizens’ Prize in 2013, and in 2021 was awarded Ġieħ iż-Żejtun as well as the Active Aging Award. www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/133535/dun_victor_grech_to_be_laid_to_rest_in_stateorganised_funeral_at_st_johns_cocathedral_1
Join us for a free, family-friendly event at Ta’ Sopu Tower, Nadur on Sunday, 16th March 2025, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM!
Explore the historic watchtower, dating back to 1667, with guided tours by Din l-Art Ħelwa at 10:00 AM & 10:30 AM.
Enjoy a scenic 1km guided walk with Nature Trust-FEE Malta and learn about Gozo’s rich flora & fauna from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with nature and history in a breathtaking setting!
Jitħabbar il-programm tal-funeral ta’ Mons. Victor Grech Minn Mariella Cilia
6 ta' Frar 2025
Ritratt: Ian Noel PaceIl-Gvern Malti ħabbar il-programm tal-funeral ta’ Monsinjur Victor Grech se jsir mill-Istat fis-7 u t-8ta’ Frar. Nhar il-Ġimgħa 7 ta’ Frar, il-Korteo funebri se jitlaq mill-Isptar Mater Dei fid-9.30am għaċ-Ċentru tal-Komunità Terapewtika ta’ San Blas fil-limiti ta‘ Ħaż-Żebbuġ. Fl-10.30am, il-katavru ta’ Monsinjur Victor Grech se jkun espost għall-qima tal-pubbliku fil-Kappella taċ-Ċentru tal-Komunità Terapewtika ta’ San Blas. Il-Ġimgħa, il-katavru se jkun espost għall-qima tal-pubbliku mill-10:30am sas-1:00pm u mit-3:00pm sas-6:00pm. Nhar is-Sibt 8 ta’ Frar, il-Korteo funebri se jitlaq miċ-Ċentru tal-Komunità Terapewtika ta’ San Blas fid-9.15am, u se jkun qed jingħata tislima mir-residenti. Il-Kleru tal-Parroċċa ta’ Marija Immakulata u r-residenti Tal-Ibraġ, fejn Monsinjur Grech kien residenti u serva bħala saċerdot għas-servizz tal-komunità, se jagħtuh tislima meta l-Korteo funebri quddiem il-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Marija Immakulata Omm il-Knisja f’Tal-Ibraġ fl-9.40am. Wara dan, il-Korteo funebri se jitlaq minn quddiem il-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Marija Immakulata Tal-Ibraġ. Il-Korteo funebri mbagħad jasal fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta, fl-10.20am, bil–quddiesa praesente cadavere li se tkun ikkonċelebrata mill-Arċisqof ta’ Malta Charles J. Scicluna. Wara l-Quddies, il-Funeral ikompli f’forma strettament privata. Fl-istqarrija tal-Gvern intqal li l-bnadar fuq binjiet pubbliċi għandhom jittajru mezz’asta matul il-ġurnata tas-Sibt, 8 ta’ Frar. Imut Mons. Victor Grech, pijunier fil-ġlieda kontra d-droga Iċ-Ċentru tal-Caritas se jkun magħluq fis-7 ta’ Frar bħala sinjal ta’ luttuFi stqarrija, Caritas Malta informat lill-klijenti tagħha u dawk kollha li jagħmlu użu mis-servizzi mill-Caritas Community Centre, fi Triq Mountbatten, il-Ħamrun, li dan se jkun magħluq l-Ġimgħa 7 ta’ Frar dan iċ-Ċentru bħala sinjal tal-luttu għat-telfa ta’ Monsinjur Victor Grech. Caritas ħeġġet lill-klijenti, u pubbliku inġenerali biex jagħtu tislima lil Monsinjur Victor Grech hekk kif se jkun espost il-katavru tiegħu fil-Kappella taċ-Ċentru tal-Komunità Terapewtika ta’ San Blas l-Ġimgħa. Il-parking ta’ Gianpula se jkun miftuħ biex wieħed jista’ jipparkja f’dan il-parkeġġ. Il-familja ta’ Monsinjur Victor Grech uriet ix-xewqa li flok fjuri jintbagħtu donazzjonijiet lill-Fondazzjoni Caritas Malta.
Il-PN jikkundanna l-attakk fuq Azzopardi; Stagno Navarra “qed jaġixxi b’impunità” Minn Paul Cachia
4 ta' Frar 2025
Fi stqarrija il-Partit Nazzjonalista kkundanna dak li sejjaħ “fastidju w intimidazzjoni li Jason Azzopardi kien suġġett għalihom minn individwi qrib il-Gvern Laburista, fosthom Karl Stagno Navarro”. Il-każ idur madwar kampanja koordinata mmexxija mill-eks preżentatur Karl Stagno Navarra li laħqet il-qofol tagħha nhar it-Tnejn meta hu mar jikkonfronta lil Azzopardi barra d-dar tiegħu f’Tas-Sliema.
Stagno Navarra kien jifforma parti minn kampanja biex jitneħħa l-post ta’ parkeġġ riservat lil Azzopardi f’parkeġġ pubbliku ta’ Tas-Sliema, bħala parti minn miżura ta’ sigurtà ssuġġerita mill-pulizija. Madanakollu, dan il-parkeġġ riservat ġie rtirat fi tmiem il-ġimgħa. F’filmat li ttella’ fuq Facebook, Stagno Navarra jidher miexi lejn l-ispazju ta’ parkeġġ riżervat u juri lis-segwaċi tiegħu kif issa kien miżbugħ bl-iswed għax fl-aħħar neħħa mill-awtoritajiet.
Ftit minuti wara jasal fuq il-post Azzopardi, li pparkja l-karozza tiegħu u ġie kkonfrontat minn Stagno Navarra, li jistaqsih kif iħoss li issa tneħħa l-ispazju tal-parkeġġ. Huwa jistaqsi lil Azzopardi: “Għadek tħossok arroganti?” Azzopardi bil-kalma kolla jwieġeb sempliċiment “iva” u jidher jaqsam it-triq bil-kamera jsegwi l-azzjonijiet tiegħu.
Fl-istqarrija, l-Partit Nazzjonalista ddeskriva dan l-att bħala “att ta’ aggressjoni, li jinkludi fastidju fiżiku u konfrontazzjonijiet deliberati”. Il-PN stqarr li dan “huwa eżitu dirett tal-kampanja ta’ attakki koordinati mwettqa mill-Prim Ministru Robert Abela u l-klikka tiegħu”. “L-aggressjoni diretta li qed issir fil-konfront tal-Avukat Azzopardi mhijiex każ iżolat,” insista l-PN. “Il-kultura ta’ mibegħda li Robert Abela bena kontra min ma jaqbilx miegħu qed twassal għal attakki immirati, li jpoġġu fil-periklu s-sigurtà ta’ individwi ċivili u jheddu d-demokrazija f’pajjiżna. Il-fastidju li ġie espost f’dan l-aħħar każ hu parti minn strateġija ċara ta’ intimidazzjoni li ilha teżisti taħt dan il-Gvern,” qal l-PN. Il-Partit Nazzjonalista dentifika lil Stagno Navarra u stqarr “li qed jaġixxu b’impunità ċara”. “Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela għandu obbligu li jikkundanna b’mod pubbliku l-fastidju li qed isir minn attivisti Laburisti. Barra minn hekk, il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija għandu jieħu azzjoni immedjata u jiżgura li Jason Azzopardi jingħata l-protezzjoni kollha meħtieġa kontra dawn l-attakki koordinat,” tgħid l-istqarrija tal-PN.
Tintalab Ordni ta’ Konservazzjoni fuq il-Barracks fil-Forti Chambray għal ħarsien urġenti Wara li ġew injorati talbiet biex il-barracks jiġu skedati
Minn Francesca Gauci
3 ta' Frar 2025
Photo: Din l-Art Ħelwa Għawdex Il-Koalizzjoni għal Għawdex qed tressaq talba sabiex tinħareġ Ordni ta’ Konservazzjoni ta’ Emerġenza fuq il-barracks għall-ħarsien urġenti tagħhom. Dan qed tagħmlu bl-appoġġ ta’ numru ta’ għaqdiet li jaħdmu favur il-ħarsien ambjentali u l-wirt storiku, u mijiet ta’ ċittadini, fosthom akkademiċi, storiċi, u artisti prominenti. Dan wara li t-talbiet tagħhom għall-iskedar tal-binja tas-seklu 19 ġew ripetutament injorati. Huma qalu li l-fatt li ma ġewx skedati l-barracks wassal biex fit-12 ta’ Diċembru li għadda, l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar approvat li dawn jitwaqqgħu sabiex jiġi akkomodat l-iżvilupp ta’ aparthotel u blokok ta’ appartamenti fil-forti. Ara iktar fuq din l-approvazzjoni Approvat it-twaqqigħ tal-barracks Ingliżi tal-Forti Chambray Il-Kunsill Lokali t’Għajnsielem ukoll qed jappoġġja t-talba biex il-binja tal-barracks tiġi skedata. L-għaqdiet qed jisħqu li l-Barracks tal-Ingliżi għandhom jiġu protetti għall-valur storiku, arkitettoniku, kulturali, u tipoloġiku tagħhom, kif ukoll peress li huma l-unika binja ta’ dan it-tip f’Għawdex, u fost l-ewwel eżempji ta’ kwartieri tal-miżżewġin fl-Imperu Ingliż, jew possibbilment l-ewwel eżempju. Apparti minn hekk, semmew ukoll li dawn jistgħu jiġu integrati faċilment fi pjan aktar sostenibbli għall-Forti Chambray. Fi stqarrija konġunta ntqal li l-fatt li l-maġġoranza tal-binjiet tal-barracks ta’ żmien l-Ingliżi f’Malta ġew skedati — anke meta ma kellhomx l-importanza storika tal-Barracks tal-Forti Chambray — jagħmel in-nuqqas li dawn il-barracks jiġu protetti inspjegabbli. Huma qalu, “L-elementi u l-binjiet storiċi kollha fi ħdan il-Forti Chambray kienu ġew skedati fl-2005, iżda l-iskedar tal-Barracks tal-Ingliż tħalla pendenti.” L-istqarrija qalet li “dan sar sabiex il-barracks ikunu jistgħu jitwaqqgħu ħalli jiġi aġevolat l-iżvilupp tal-Forti Chambray f’kumpless residenzjali u kummerċjali”. “Il-wirt storiku qabel kull interess għal profitti privati”L-għaqdiet qed jargumentaw ukoll kontra n-narrattiva qarrieqa ppreżentata mill-iżviluppaturi u l-periti tagħhom li l-interjur tal-binja ġarrab modifiki sinifikanti fis-snin 80, u li għalhekk ma tantx fadal elementi awtentiċi fil-binja li jmorru lura għall-perjodu Ingliż. Huma qalu li minkejja dan, ir-riċerka tal-għaqdiet turi li wara 129 sena, il-binja għadha prattikament l-istess, tant li jekk tqabbel id-disinji tal-pjanti oriġinali mfassla mill-Ingliżi mal-pjanti attwali, jidher ċar li l-modifiki li saru huma minuri ħafna. Żiedu li għadna fiċ-ċans li dan is-sit storiku nirrestawrawh, nippreservawh, u nagħtuh ħajja mill-ġdid bħala ċentru ta’ interpretazzjoni storika għat-turiżmu jew ċentru komunitarju għall-ħajja kulturali f’Għawdex. Biex tkun taf iktar fuq il-binja tal-barracks:• Għandha faċċata b’serje ta’ loġoġ li tħares lejn il-fliegu bejn Għawdex u Malta, b’veduti spettakolari ta’ Kemmuna. • Kienet inbniet bil-ġebla Maltija mill-istess bennej li bena l-Bażilika Ta’ Pinu. • Skont riċerka li saret mill-għaqda Din l-Art Ħelwa – Għawdex, l-evidenza li nstabet fl-Arkivji Nazzjonali turi li din tmur lura għal mill-inqas l-1895. • Mappa ta’ Għawdex imfassla mill-Ammiraljat Ingliż lejn l-aħħar tas-seklu 19 turi li l-barracks kienu diġà mmarkati fuq il-mappa fl-1895. • Il-Forti Chambray hu fort storiku ta’ żmien il-Kavallieri li jmur lura għal nofs is-seklu 18. Stqarrija maħruġa minn:BirdLife Malta Din l-Art Ħelwa Din l-Art Ħelwa – Għawdex Għawdix Wirt Għawdex Friends of the Earth Malta Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar Moviment Graffitti The Archaeological Society Malta newsbook.com.mt/tintalab-ordni-ta-konservazzjoni-fuq-il-barracks-fil-forti-chambray-ghal-harsien-urgenti/
Back to blue: Gozo swings back to PN despite third party surge MaltaToday Gozo survey | VOTING: PN 47.4%, PL 41.7%, ADPD 5.8%, Others 5.1% • Turnout: 80% • TRUST: Robert Abela 37.7%, Bernard Grech 29.1%, None 33.3%
2 February 2025, by James Debono
MaltaToday's first ever Gozo survey polled 666 voters from the 13th District
SUMMARY The Nationalist Party is set to retake Gozo and is leading the Labour Party by nearly six points even if it falls short of an absolute majority. This emerges from MaltaToday’s first ever survey to be conducted entirely in the 13th District among a representative sample of 666 Gozitan respondents. The survey was held between 16 January and 28 January. The result puts the PN at 47.4%, the PL at 41.7% and third parties collectively at 10.9% and is based on a projected turnout of 80%. The survey suggests the Gozitan electorate is in flux with Labour losing support to abstention and to the PN, while the Opposition is mainly losing support to third parties. The PN’s losses are however offset by a notable shift in its favour from the PL. The survey shows that Labour has lost 3,770 votes from its 2022 general election tally, the PN has gained 409 votes and third parties have seen their vote share increase by over 2,015 votes. Prime Minister Robert Abela leads Opposition leader Bernard Grech by nine points on the trust barometer. The survey shows that 30% of the PN’s current voters do not trust any of the two leaders but would still vote for their party. Read all about it here: www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/data_and_surveys/133434/back_to_blue_gozo_swings_back_to_pn_despite_third_party_surge
PN Leader says a new Nationalist Government will increase Gozo's vessel fleet to five in number By Albert Gauci Cunningham February 2, 2025
Aqra bil- Malti Opposition and Nationalist Party Leader Bernard Grech promised that a Nationalist Government would arrange the state of dereliction existing in Gozo. Speaking during a political activity on the sister island, Dr Grech promised that an economy for creating wealth would be implemented in Gozo, with Malta benefiting rather than the other way around. Dr Grech said the PN’s targets for Gozo are well-paid jobs, hence the need for good connectivity between the islands. On this issue, Dr. Grech promised that a Nationalist Government would build a fourth vessel, and if necessary, even a fifth one. Dr Grech promised that a Nationalist Government would enlarge Mġarr Harbour so it to handle new vessels that would be bigger, together with the fast ferry. Dr Grech added that investment in Gozo’s maritime economy is needed, saying that Gozo has big potential, and it is important that rural tourism and the environment are safeguarded. At the same time, the speaker added that he believes there is a need for a strong digital infrastructure in Gozo, whilst stressing that the PN in government will invest in back office work and Artificial Intelligence, among other issues. Dr Grech stressed that the Government did not create new opportunities, and urged the people not to give the Labour Party another chance when it promises to implement what it has still not implemented. Dr Grech mentioned as an example the Gozo Hospital, which he said has not and will not be built. He accused the Government of non intending to carry out this project. At this stage, Dr Grech promised that just like it had built Mater Dei Hospital, a Nationalist Government will build a hospital in Gozo. Dr Grech referred to prices and to the Opposition’s promise of tax credits and the elimination of tax from the COLA so that certain prices will not be increased, as he said is happening, and to guard against the cost of living. The speaker said the Government is focused only on defending those who pig out, concealing the truth, silencing journalists and eliminating people’s rights. Dr Grech accused the Government of being focused only on how to hold on to power whilst the PN is working for the people, and referred to family-oriented proposals announced by the Nationalist Party this week. Dr Grech promised that a Nationalist Government would invest in children and the family to ensure a balance, adding that the PN will extend leave, among other issues. Dr Grech referred to public opinion polls published today, saying that whilst he was satisfied, the Nationalist Party will not be stopping but will remain focused on the people and will forge ahead, thanks to those who want a better future for Malta and Gozo. tvmnews.mt/en/news/pn-leader-says-a-new-nationalist-government-will-increase-vessel-fleet-to-five-in-number/
Ombudsman prison report reactions: Minister should resign, journalists and MPs given access to inmates From calls for Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri's resignation to giving MPs and journalists access to prison, political parties and civil society react to shocking Ombudsman report on prison conditions under Alex Dalli
1 February 2025, by Juliana Zammit
Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri The Ombudsman report regarding the prison administration during Alex Dalli's tenure as Director of Prisons has sparked significant reactions from civil society and various political parties. MaltaToday and its sister publication, Illum, played a role in uncovering the allegations of abuse at the Corradino Correctional Facility under Dalli's leadership. Following these revelations, Dalli initiated defamation lawsuits against both newspapers; however, the courts ruled that they were not liable for defamation. Repubblika calls for Minister Camilleri to resign Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri must resign, and former director of prisons Alex Dalli must be dismissed from any public function, Repubblika said on Saturday. “Byron Camilleri should resign. Alexander Dalli should be dismissed from any public function and the police should investigate immediately what criminal actions were carried out by government officials when they maliciously ,in violation of their duties, oppressed the prisoners entrusted with their responsibility,” Repubblika said. The group was reacting to the Ombudsman's report, published on Friday, that revealed widespread abuse, bullying, and fear within the prison during Alex Dalli's administration. The investigation found evidence of racism, mistreatment, and humiliating practices that failed to respect prisoners' dignity. Repubblika acknowledged that it is not the Ombudsman’s duty to determine who should bear the political responsibility for the “systematically bad administration of the prison” but added political responsibility must be shouldered. ADPD calls for legal action against Dalli and officials involved Meanwhile, ADPD expressed disgust over the facts established by the Ombudsman and called on the police to investigate the public officials involved. “What is Police Commissioner Angelo Gafà waiting for? Is the Ombudsman’s report not enough? Is he waiting for someone to ask for a magisterial inquiry, or for Robert Abela to change the law so that he definitely does nothing?” ADPD leader Sandra Gauci said. “If we were in a truly civilized country, Colonel Alex Dalli would have been court-martialled, and dismissed from the army with dishonor,” ADPD General Secretary Ralph Cassar said. He noted that not even the increase of suicides in prison during Dalli’s time was considered cause for immediate action. Momentum calls for access to journalists, MPs In another reaction, Momentum said journalists and MPs must be allowed access to the Corradino Correctional Facility. "The Ombudsman report clearly states that intimidation, systemic maladministration, and degrading treatment of prisoners were the order of the day under the tenure of Alex Dalli. This behaviour, which goes against the basic tenets of human decency, is unacceptable," Momentum committee member Matthew Agius said in a statement on Saturday morning. The report emphasised the critical role that press and news media could play in preventing or mitigating problematic situations within correctional facilities. “Many of the unpleasant situations which occurred in the period under examination could have been averted or at least attenuated had the press and the news media had the 'right' to inspect the CCF,” Agius said. He said that similar to situations in other countries, members of parliament should have the right to make unannounced visits to prison during the year. “This measure could serve as an effective deterrent against the recurrence of inhumane treatment within the prison system,” Agius added. www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/133423/ombudsman_prison_report_reactions_minister_should_resign_journalists_and_mps_given_access_to_inmates
Bernard Grech calls for Byron Camilleri’s removal after Ombudsman’s prison shocker Opposition leader Bernard Grech labels Byron Camilleri’s leadership as the ‘ministry of national insecurity’ and calls for the minister’s removal in the wake of prison report
1 February 2025, by Juliana Zammit
PN leader Bernard Grech
Under Byron Camilleri's leadership, the Ministry of National Security has turned into a “ministry of national insecurity and inhumane treatment”, Bernard Grech said on Saturday. The Nationalist Party leader called for Camilleri’s removal in the aftermath of a shocking report by the Ombudsman that revealed widespread abuse, bullying, and fear within the prison during Alex Dalli's administration. The investigation found evidence of racism, mistreatment, and humiliating practices that failed to respect prisoners' dignity. “Worse still, Byron Camilleri has not even shown a willingness to implement reforms, let alone have a vision or a plan,” Grech said, emphasising the need for new leadership in the country's security. Grech said the Ombudsman’s report confirmed what the Opposition had been saying for a long time – that the management of Corradino Correctional Facility under Alex Dalli, whom Byron Camilleri defended for years, was inhumane. The prison scandal is just the latest in a series of controversies in Camilleri's ministry, the Opposition leader added. Recent months have seen the emergence of several high-profile cases, including the irregular issuance of residence permits, the controversial extension of Police Commissioner Angelo Gafà's contract, and allegations of corruption involving LESA citations. The PN leader said the country’s security “needs new leadership that is not in the hands of Byron Camilleri”. Earlier on Saturday, NGO Repubblika, ADPD and Momentum called for Camilleri’s removal and demanded the police investigate the prison officials flagged in the Ombudsman’s report. www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/133431/bernard_grech_calls_for_byron_camilleris_removal_after_ombudsmans_prison_shocker
Raġel ferut gravi meta ħebbet għalih mara b’sikkina – il-pulizija kostretta tuża t-taser gunMinn Alvin Vassallo 1 ta' Frar 2025
Read in English Raġel ta’ 23 sena weġġa’ gravi meta ġie aggredit b’sikkina minn mara ta’ 22 sena. Il-każ seħħ għall-ħabta tad-8.45am fi Triq il-Gardiel, Wied il-Għajn. Il-Pulizija qalet li meta marru fuq il-post sabu lill-mara b’arma li taqta’ u bil-ponta. Hija mxiet lejn il-Pulizija bl-arma b’mod aggressiv, u għalhekk kienu kostretti jużaw it-taser gun. Fl-appartament instab raġel ferut. Tim mediku ta l-assistenza liż-żewġ persuni li ttieħdu l-Isptar Mater Dei b’ambulanza għal aktar kura. Aktar tard, ir-raġel ġie ċċertifikat bi ġrieħi gravi u l-mara bi ġrieħi ħfief. Il-mara ġiet ġiet arrestata u mistennija titressaq fil-Qorti fil-jiem li ġejjin. Il-Maġistrat Antoine Agius Bonnici ġie infurmat b’dan il-każ filwaqt li l-investigazzjonijiet tal-Pulizija għadhom għaddejjin. tvmnews.mt/news/mara-allegatament-thebb-ghal-ragel-bsikkina-fwied-il-ghajn/
Photo by Miguela Xuereb Il-Papa Franġisku, fil-lejl tal-Milied, nieda sena ta’ tama ġdida għal kull bniedem ta’ rieda tajba, Insara ta’ denominazzjoni differenti, membri ta’ reliġjonijiet oħra, bnedmin li jħaddnu valuri favur id-dinjità umana u l-fratellanza universali. Kull bniedem huwa magħmul minn ruħ u ġisem. L-istess il-Knisja li hija istituzzjoni divina u umana. Timxi mal-pass tal-bniedem f’dik li tissejjaħ soċjetà tal-bnedmin. U għalhekk dan il-Ġublew jista’ jagħti tama ġdida għal ħajja aħjar għal kull bniedem, jekk l-istituzzjonijiet li jordnaw il-ħajja soċjali jkunu dejjem strumenti għall-ġid tal-bniedem sħiħ u tal-ġid komuni. Hawnhekk tidħol ukoll dik li tissejjaħ sistema ġudizzjarja li teżisti, għalkemm b’modi differenti, fil-pajjiżi kollha tad-dinja. Anki l-Knisja għandha din is-sistema li tirregola l-andament tal-ħajja tal-Insara, u mhux biss, tindirizza lejn futur iktar vivibbli, u kemm jista’ jkun iġġib armonija fost il-membri tagħha. Madwar 10 snin ilu, il-Papa Franġisku ta l-possibiltà li l-proċessi ġudizzjali għal dikjarazzjoni ta’ annullament ta’ żwieġ kanoniku, jitħaffu, billi, fost l-oħrajn, l-appell fuq l-ewwel deċiżjoni ma hux obbligatorju, għalkemm jitħalla d-dritt għalih. Illum il-ġurnata, sentenza biex tkun eżekuttiva ma għandhiex bżonn ta’ żewġ deċiżjonijiet konformi. F’dan id-dawl, nistaqsi, jekk l-istat jistax jadotta sistema simili fejn isir skrutinju prevju qabel ma appell jiġi aċċettat, b’mod li jitnaqqsu drastikament appelli li jkunu mressqa l-Qorti bit-tir li jittawwal iż-żmien tal-kawża bi skapitu ta’ dewmien inutli u flejjes? – Fil-fatt diġà teżisti sistema fejn jekk appell ikun sar b’mod frivolu u vessatorju, min jagħmel l-appell jista’ jiġi kkundannat iħallas spejjeż doppji. Barra mill-fatt li jkun qed jingħata kreditu lix-xogħol professjonali tal-maġistrat/imħallef li jkun ta l-ewwel deċiżjoni. Ara f’dak li għandu x’jaqsam ma’ assistenza legali, kemm fil-proċessi kanoniċi kemm fil-kawżi li jiġu trattati mill-istat, dawk ċivili u dawk kriminali, mhux obbligatorju li l-partijiet ikollhom assistenza ta’ avukat, għalkemm dejjem jiġi mħares id-dritt tagħhom għaliha. Addirittura li min jirrappreżenta lilu nnifsu fil-kawża tiegħu u ma jkollux possibiltà finanzjarja, jista’ jingħata, kemm mill-Knisja kif ukoll mill-istat, assistenza legali gratis jekk kemm il-darba jgħaddi minn eżami li jaċċerta tali impossibiltà. Fi proċeduri penali, dan it-test lanqas biss huwa rikjest u jekk l-individwu – wara li jiġi mgħarraf bid-dritt tiegħu għall-assistenza legali – jitlob tali għajnuna legali, din tingħatalu b’mod awtomatiku mingħajr il-ħtieġa ta’ test tal-mezzi. Dan kemm fi stadju meta huwa jkun għadu suspettat u anke fi stadju ta’ meta jinħarġu b’mod formali l-akkużi fil-konfront tiegħu. B’dan il-mod, inkunu nistgħu ngħidu li din is-sena ta’ Ġublew ta’ tama, imniedi mill-Knisja Kattolika Rumana, tkun sena li tassew ħalliet il-poplu iktar b’moħħu mistrieħ speċjalment fejn tidħol il-ġustizzja għax kif ngħidu ‘justice delayed justice denied’. Mod, li jħalli iktar flus fil-bwiet ta’ dawk li huma vulnerabbli, jew kif is-soltu ngħidu ‘taż-żgħir’, u ta’ inqas tgergir, tmaqdir, dagħa, mibegħda, sfortunatament ukoll fost l-Insara. newsbook.com.mt/blog/is-sistema-gudizzjarja-fis-sena-tal-gublew/
Magistrates throw out inquiry requests by Jason Azzopardi saying they were filed in the wrong court Requests for magisterial inquiry into Gozo Sports Complex pools and criminal racket involving Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri and his wife turned down by magistrates who said they were filed in the wrong judicial jurisdiction • Azzopardi says request will be filed in Gozo Court on Wednesday
29 January 2025, by Karl Azzopardi
The Court has turned down two requests for a magisterial inquiry by laywer Jason Azzopardi (inset) into alleged wrongdoing by Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri (pictured) (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)
Two magistrates have turned down requests for a magisterial inquiry into alleged wrongdoing by Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri, saying they were filed in the wrong court. Magistrate Ian Farrugia and Magistrate Antoine Mifsud noted the alleged crimes were carried out in Gozo. Those identified in the requests objected to the jurisdiction in which they were filed, saying they were filed in the wrong court. Speaking to MaltaToday, lawyer Jason Azzopardi said they will be filed at the Gozo Court on Wednesday.
Court revokes permit for ODZ swimming pool in Marsalforn valley Judges rule development failed to meet policy requirements
29 January 2025, by James Debono
Photo showing the site in 2022 before pools were approved. Since then the site has been partly excavated (Photo: Planning Authority)
The Court of Appeal, presided over by Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti, has revoked a permit for the development of an ODZ swimming pool and landscaping works next to an apartment block approved along the Marsalforn valley in Xagħra. The permit issued to Mark Agius, a business associate of Joseph Portelli for the pool was issued in 2022 despite a clear recommendation by the case officer to refuse the development. The case officer had concluded that the proposed pool area as it ran counter to a local plan policy prohibiting pools in ODZ areas adjacent to ridge edges unless it could be proven that the interventions were occurring on existing and established gardens. Despite this, the permit was still issued and later confirmed by the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal (EPRT). However, in its ruling, the court referred to the same local plan policy to revoke the permit. It also questioned the EPRT’s assumption that the presence of rubble walls in aerial photos from 1967 was sufficient proof that the pool site was an established garden. The law courts have already revoked permits for two other ODZ swimming pool developments linked to companies owned by Mark Agius and Joseph Portelli in Qala and Sannat. Agius has recently applied to remove a passageway separating the apartment block in Sannat from an already built pool, whose permit was also revoked by the courts. Although the pools have yet not been yet constructed the site has been excavated. The court appeal was filed by Moviment Graffitti, Din l-Art Helwa, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar (FAA) and the Xaghra local council. www.maltatoday.com.mt/environment/townscapes/133390/court_revokes_permit_for_odz_swimming_pool_in_marsalforn
Sospiża x-xhieda ta’ żewġ sorijiet mixlija b’abbużi fuq tfal Minn Clara Farrugia 28 ta' Jannar 2025
F’kawża kostituzzjonali kontra l-Istat, ippreseduta mill-Imħallef Mark Simiana, kellhom jixhdu ż-żewġ sorijiet fost tlieta akkużati b’abbużi fuq tfal f’Lourdes Home, li tinsab f’Għajnsielem, Għawdex. Iżda x-xhieda ġew sospiżi minħabba problemi tekniċi. Sour Dorothy Mizzi laħqet irrakuntat lil Qorti li ż-żewġ vittmi li fetħu l-kawża ma kinux fir-residenza fejn kienet taħdem hi. Spjegat li Lourdes Home kienet imqassma f’residenzi differenti skont l-etajiet tat-tfal. Qalet li l-irwol tagħha kien ta’ Superjura tal-Lourdes Home u xogħolha kien li tieħu ħsieb lit-tfal kemm fiżikament kif ukoll emozzjonalment. Kien hawn li x-xhieda kellha tiġi sospiża minħabba problemi tekniċi. Għalhekk fuq l-istess raġuni l-Imħallef Simiana ħatar assitent ġudizzjarju biex imur fil-‘home’ fejn illum il-ġurnata s-sorijiet jirrisjedu u jieħu x-xhieda ta’ Sour Dorothy Mizzi u Sour Josephine Sultana. Matul il-kawża , il-vittmi dehru assistiti mill-Avukat Lara Dimitrijevic. tvmnews.mt/news/sospiza-x-xhieda-ta-zewg-sorijiet-mixlija-babbuzi-fuq-tfal/
Il-kirja tal-MV Nikolaos hija kummerċjalment sensittiva – Il- Ministru Minn Paul Cachia
28 ta' Jannar 2025
Il-Ministru għall-Għawdex Clint Camilleri baqa’ jinsisti li kull informazzjoni dwar l-MV Nikolaos kienet informazzjoni kummerċjalment sensittiva. Meta kien qed iwieġeb għall-mistoqsija parlamentari supplementari tad-deputat Nazzjonalista Alex Borg, Camilleri qal li filwaqt li hu m’għandux l-ebda problema kif joħroġ din l-informazzjoni, hu ngħata parir mill-Gozo Channel li minħabba s-sejħa annwali għall-offerti, din l-informazzjoni jista’ jaffettwa l-proċess għall-akkwist. Borg staqsa lill-Ministru kemm jiswa l-MV Nikolaos filwaqt li nsista li l-poplu għandu dritt ikun jaf kemm il-Gvern qed iħallas biex jikri l-vapur fix-xahar. MV Nikolaos inbena fl-1987, jiġifieri 33 sena u ngħaqad mal-flotta tal-Gozo Channel fl-2019. biex itaffi l-pressjoni fuq il-vapuri l-oħra. MV Nikolaos kapaċi jġorr 650 passiġġieri u 160 vettura. Madanakollu l-użu tal-MV Nikolaos kien ikkrtikat minħabba nuqqas ta’ aċċessibilità għal persuni bi problemi ta’ mobiltà. Diversi membri parlamentari tal-Oppożizzjoni kemm ‘il darba staqsew lill-Ministru għall-Għawdex l-ammont tal-kirja tal-MV Nikolaos, bl-ministru jibqa’ fuq it-tweġiba li kienet tat l-eks Ministru Justyne Caruana eżattament meta nkera’ l-vapur fl-2019 u beda jopera fis-7 ta’ Ġunju. “Dwar valur u kundizzjonijiet, din hija informazzjoni kummerċjalment sensittiva,” kienet wieġbet fis-26 ta’ Ġunju 2019. Minn dak inhar ‘l hawn, il-Ministru qatt ma ta ħjiel dwar il-kirja. Lanqas ma kkonferma ċ-ċifra li kien poġġa f’waħda mill-mistoqsijiet parlamentari d-deputat Nazzjonalista Chris Said fejn staqsa “Jista’ l-Ministru jikkonferma li r-raba’ vapur, u ċjoè l-vapur Nikolaos ġie mikri mill-kumpanija Gozo Channel għall-prezz ta’ €13,000 kuljum u ċjoè għal kważi €5,000,000 fis-sena? Jista’ jikkonferma li fil-ħlas tal-kirja m’hemmx inkluż il-fuel li jintuża kuljum minn dan il-vapur u li dan il-fuel qed jitħallas mill-kumpanija Gozo Channel? Jista’ jgħid bħala medja kemm tħallas fuel għal kull ġurnata li l-vapur Nikolaos ilu jopera bejn Malta u Għawdex? Għal dawn il-mistoqsijiet, il-Ministru nsistiet li “ż-żieda tar-raba vapur intlaqgħet tajjeb minn kull min uża s-servizz”. newsbook.com.mt/il-kirja-tal-mv-nikolaos-hija-kummercjalment-sensittiva-ministru/
Parroċċa f’Għawdex se tagħmel il-funeral tal-4 persuni li damu xhur fil-kamra mortwarja Minn Maria Daniela Camilleri
27 ta' Jannar 2025
Ritratt: Knisja t'Għawdex F’ġest ta’ mogħdrija, grupp ta’ parruċċani mill-Bażilika ta’ San Ġorġ fir-Rabat, Għawdex, ħadu pass ‘il quddiem biex jorganizzaw funeral għal erba’ persuni li ħadd mill-qraba jew tal-familja ma mar biex dawn il-katavri jindifnu wara mewthom is-sena l-oħra. Raymond Balzan, Anthony Borg, Valerie Jean Austin, u Albert Tanti setgħu ma kinux parti mill-komunità parrokkjali ta’ San Ġorġ, iżda dan ma waqqafx lill-parruċċani milli jittrattawhom bħallikieku kienu tal-familja. Kien għalhekk li dan il-grupp impenja ruħu biex jagħmel l-aħjar li jista’ sabiex jagħti l-aħħar tislima b’mod dinjituż lil dawn il-persuni, b’mod komplut b’servizz ta’ funeral kif suppost, bil-fjuri, bil-quddies, u dfin fl-oqbra tal-parroċċa. Kull sena, numru żgħir ta’ katavri jibqgħu fi sptarijiet madwar Malta u Għawdex, hekk kif l-ebda qraba jew ħbieb ma jersqu biex jirranġaw id-difna u jagħtu l-aħħar tislima lil dawk li jkunu għadhom kif ħallewhom. Mingħajr intervent, dawn l-individwi li jibqgħu fil-kamra mortwarja għal ċertu żmien, issirilhom dfin ipprovdut bl-għajnuna tal-Gvern, li jinkludi tebut sempliċi, servizz qasir, u qabar. Madankollu, din is-sena, il-parroċċa ta’ San Ġorġ ikkollaborat mal-Ministeru għas-Saħħa u Anzjanità Attiva u s-Supretendent għas-Saħħa Pubblika biex tieħu r-responsabbiltà ta’ dawn il-katavri u tagħmlilhom funeral kif suppost. Anzjan f’Għawdex se jindifen mill-Istat wara li ma ttieħed minn ħadd Is-servizz tal-funeral għall-erba’ individwi se jsir l-Erbgħa 29 ta’ Jannar fil-Bażilika ta’ San Ġorġ. Il-parroċċa ħabbret dan fuq il-midja soċjali u qed testendi s-servizzi tagħha lil dawn il-persuni bħal daqs li kieku kienu minn fost il-parruċċani tagħha. Diversi parruċċani ngħaqdu bħala parti minn din l-inizjattiva, b’uħud joffru li jġorru t-twiebet, oħrajn jagħtu fjuri jew ikopru l-ispejjeż, kif ukoll kor parrokkjali jinsab lest biex joffri l-kant fuq bażi volontarju għal waqt is-servizz. F’dan l-isforz taw sehemhom ukoll il-fergħa tal-Caritas tal-Knisja t’Għawdex u saċerdoti minn parroċċi oħra. Is-servizz tal-funeral se jixxandar dirett ukoll fuq il-paġna tal-Facebook tal-parroċċa, biex il-komunità tkun tista’ tingħaqad flimkien u tonora l-ħajja ta’ dawk li inkella setgħu ġew minsija. newsbook.com.mt/parrocca-fghawdex-se-taghmel-il-funeral-tal-4-persuni-li-damu-xhur-fil-kamra-mortwarja/
A largely empty Parliament commemorates the Holocaust By John Paul Cordina
January 27, 2025
Few MPs were present in Parliament’s main chamber as the House of Represnetatives held its annual commemoration of the Holocaust on Monday, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops. The date of the liberation of what was Nazi Germany’s most notorious extermination camp – 27 January – was designated by the UN General Assembly as International Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2005, to remember the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of other victims of Nazi persecution. Accordingly, Malta’s Parliament commemorates the Holocaust every year on that day or the closest day in which it is in session. This year, however, Nationalist Party MP Albert Buttigieg announced that would deliberately not be attending the commemoration, citing the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza as his motivation. ‘Cannot remember past while forgetting the present’: Buttigieg boycotts holocaust remembrance “I cannot in good conscience remember the past while forgetting the present,” Buttigieg said as he explained his decision in a video shared on social media. But he was far from the only MP to be absent: minister Owen Bonnici and PN MP Carm Mifsud Bonnici were both surrounded by plenty of empty seats as they delivered their address on behalf of the government and opposition respectively. A notable, albeit justifiable, absence was that of speaker Anġlu Farrugia, who on Sunday left Malta for Lanzarote to attend a conference of speakers of Parliaments of the EU and North Africa. Even so, Farrugia made a point of preparing a speech for the occasion, which was read out by deputy speaker David Agius. As he had done in his address during last year’s commemoration, Farrugia explicitly referred to the situation in Gaza – as well as the situation in Ukraine – as he spoke of the thousands of victims the conflicts had caused, many of them women and children. Speaker highlights Gaza’s plight in Holocaust remembrance speech While he recognised that a ceasefire had now begun, he questioned whether so much time was needed before hostilities could stop. “One must ask,” he said. “Was the Holocaust not enough for the lessons to be learnt?” Farrugia highlighted that the world was increasingly multicultural, and it was important to ensure universal recognition that everyone had an intrinsic worth, irrespective of their background. He said that politicians had a great responsbility to ensure that they neither advocated extremist ideologies nor contributed to their spread. Bonnici also briefly referred to Gaza in his address after stating that it was good to use such a commemoration to reflect on the lessons that can be learnt from the past. He condemned the spread of deceitful narratives based on stereotypes which had the potential to escalate to violence, highlighting that the expereince of Jewish people over the centuries made this amply clear. Such narratives needed to be challenged, he said, arguing that education was one of the best tools through which this can be done. In his own address, Mifsud Bonnici said that the Holocaust made clear that the far-right ideologies that had developed were a mistake, and that it is a mistake to bring them back in the present day. He said that the Holocaust only took place because the hatred sown by politicians took root, and led to people considering others as inferior. “Remember that this can happen when we treat others in society as though they are nothing, and where a living tolerance is absent,” the MP observed. newsbook.com.mt/en/a-largely-empty-parliament-commemorates-the-holocaust/
Yorgen Fenech’s bail shocks Malta, ruffles feathers in government The ruling by Judge Edwina Grima on Friday created nationwide shock not least within Cabinet with ministers fearing backlash if Fenech breaches his bail conditions
26 January 2025, by Kurt Sansone Fenech’s case has deep political ramifications not least because he is accused of murdering a journalist, who was on the cusp of uncovering a web of corruption involving people in power
A judge’s decision to grant Yorgen Fenech bail has angered ministers who feel it was unwarranted at such a late stage in the criminal proceedings. Fenech is awaiting trial over accusations that he masterminded the 2017 murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia. He denies the charges and has been in preventive detention since his arrest in late 2019. The ruling by Judge Edwina Grima on Friday created nationwide shock not least within Cabinet with ministers fearing backlash if Fenech breaches his bail conditions. “If anything happens, who would people blame? It’s obvious that they will blame the government and it’s unfair,” a senior minister, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told MaltaToday. The sentiment was reflected by other Cabinet members who spoke to this newspaper. “The court has been repeatedly denying him bail but now at this stage of proceedings the judge felt the guarantees provided by Yorgen Fenech were strong enough. It’s incredible,” another minister said. Fenech’s case has deep political ramifications not least because he is accused of murdering a journalist, who was on the cusp of uncovering a web of corruption involving people in power and businesspersons involved in the Electrogas power station deal. Fenech is a shareholder in Electrogas and acted as the consortium’s frontman. His Dubai company 17 Black had been listed as a target client of the Panama companies held by former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri and then energy minister Konrad Mizzi. Proceedings waiting for court expert Fenech does not yet have a date for his trial as criminal proceedings remain stuck in legal limbo despite the prosecution having closed its case. Sources close to proceedings said the court is waiting for a court-appointed expert, Martin Bajjada, to conclude his job of removing any reference to sources from the information extracted from Daphne Caruana Galizia’s Cloud data. Last November, Bajjada said he could only print 8,000 pages a day amid impending holiday plans. Reacting to the bail decree, Daphne’s son, Matthew Caruana Galizia, blamed the government for failing to fix the system. “The blame for killers being released on bail without any trial date in sight lies with the prime minister and the minister of justice. They had five years to fix the system and did nothing. Failure after failure by the courts, it’s become increasingly clear whose side they’re on. The side of criminals and not regular people,” Caruana Galizia wrote on social media. In her ruling, the judge noted that the length of time Fenech has been held in preventive custody could no longer be ignored despite the persistence of previous misgivings over bail. Fenech’s previous bail applications have always been turned down because the court agreed with the prosecution that he constituted a flight risk and out of fear that he could tamper with evidence. But there is also a legal limit that a person can be kept in custody without going on trial and that limit was fast approaching. Nonetheless, in her ruling on Friday, Grima said the guarantees offered by the accused were “very strong” when compared to the serious nature of the crime he is charged with. Fenech’s bail was secured against a deposit of €80,000 and a personal guarantee of €120,000. He also provided the court with a fixed address in Swieqi where he will be residing on his own. Aunty’s shareholding guarantee Fenech’s adherence to bail conditions was also secured against a guarantee made by his aunty, Moira Fenech, who put up her 15.46% shareholding in Tumas Group Company as collateral. The shareholding would be forfeited to the government if Yorgen Fenech breaches bail conditions. Company filings show that Moira Fenech has a direct shareholding of 13.4% in Tumas Group and a further indirect shareholding of 2.1% through shares held in TGI Ltd. Although the court decree does not put a value to Moira Fenech’s shareholding, the latest company documents from 2022 show that Tumas Group Company has a net asset value of €339 million. Moira Fenech’s shareholding at 15.46% is thus worth at least €52 million. According to the court decree, Moira Fenech has also inherited an equivalent shareholding from her sister who passed away, which would double the value of her holdings. Financial analysts have told MaltaToday the value of Moira Fenech’s shareholding is “prudent” since it does not take into account the company’s performances in 2023 and 2024. It also does not include the revaluation of assets that would have appreciated since 2022 and excludes undistributed profits from ventures where the Tumas Group does not have a controlling stake such as Valletta Gateway Terminals, a port operator in the Grand Harbour. “The real value of Moira Fenech’s shareholding today is probably worth double what it is if one takes into consideration assets held in companies where the company is a minority shareholder and the fact that property would have appreciated in value over the past two years,” an analyst told MaltaToday. Legal sources have described the bail conditions imposed on Fenech as the most onerous they have ever seen in terms of value. “The shareholding runs into millions of euros, something I have never come across in my legal career,” a lawyer with vast experience in the criminal field said. Yorgen Fenech’s bail conditions Apart from the financial guarantees and deposit, the judge imposed several conditions on Yorgen Fenech. His passport and identity documents are withheld by the court and is prevented from boarding any boat, ship, and aircraft. Fenech cannot be within 50m of the coast or the perimeter of the airport and has to sign the bail book daily at the St Julian’s police station between noon and 4:00pm. The court also imposed a curfew on Fenech, who cannot exit the residence indicated by him between 5:00pm and 11:00am. The court also ordered the Police Commissioner to provide a 24-hour fixed-point surveillance outside the residence and Fenech will have a p Crucially, the judge prohibited Fenech from approaching or trying to communicate in any way, even through third parties, with any of the prosecution witnesses, specifically, pardoned middleman Melvin Theuma and former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri. Fenech is also barred from communicating with the relatives of Daphne Caruana Galizia with the judge issuing a protection order in their favour. Fenech was not released on bail on Friday because the administrative work needed to secure Moira Fenech’s shares in favour of the government still had to be completed. The process may take several days and it is only after this is completed that Yorgen Fenech can be released from the Corradino Correctional Facility. www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/133324/yorgen_fenechs_bail_shocks_malta_ruffles_feathers_in_government_
Arrestati 45 persuna li nstabu f’Malta irregolarment 26 ta' Jannar 2025
Read in English Ilbieraħ filgħodu, diversi sezzjonijiet tal-Pulizija mexxew spezzjonijiet koordinati fl-inħawi ta’ Ħal Qormi u l-Marsa. Huma kienu assistiti mill-Aġenzija għas-Servizzi ta’ Detenzjoni, b’rabta mal-immigrazzjoni irregolari. F’din il-ħidma, 20 persuna li ġejjin min-Niġerja, il-Ghana, il-Mali, is-Sirja, il-Gambja, is-Sri Lanka, il-Bangladesh u t-Togo, instabu jgħixu fil-pajjiż b’mod irregolari. Din il-ħidma segwiet ħidma oħra f’San Ġiljan u Paceville fejn fl-aħħar jiem ġew arrestati 25 persuna oħra wara li nstabu jgħixu jew jaħdmu fil-pajjiż irregolarment. Dawn kienu ġejjin mis-Sirja, in-Niġerja, il-Ghana, it-Turkija u l-Indja. Il-persuni kollha ttieħdu f’ċentru ta’ detenzjoni sakemm jitlesta l-proċess ta’ ritorn tagħhom. tvmnews.mt/news/arrestati-45-persuna-li-nstabu-fmalta-irregolarment/
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Nadur, Gozo Sunday 16th June: 5:30 pm Pontifical Mass at the Sacred Heart Church. With the participation of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.
Mass for the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul 27 June, 2023 Basilica of St. Peter & St. Paul Nadur, Gozo. Malta.
Mass for the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul 27 June, 2023 Basilica of St. Peter & St. Paul Nadur, Gozo. Malta. Group photo: The Knights and Dames of the Confraternity with the Archpriest Mons. Jimmy Xerri and the Clergy of the parish.
l-ewwel jum tat -tridu
Quddiesa ta l-ewwel jum tat -tridu immexxija mis-Sacerdot novell Dun Mario Mercieca li fiha jiccelebra l-ewwel Quddiesa tieghu fil komunita taghna .Jippriedka .l- Arcipriet tax-Xaghra Mons Carmelo Refalo Ritratti minn Mario Muscathttps://www.facebook.com/nadur.ghawdex.96/videos/423540685283950/
The Basilica of Nadur Yesterday Photo by Mario Muscat
Jitnizzlu l-linef ghal festa
Ritratt minn Mario Muscat
Jibda jintrama l-Altar tal- kor ghal festa Ritratt minn Mario Muscat
Il-villagg Tal-Hali fin-Nadur jizzejjen ghal festa Ritratt minn Mario Muscat
Nadur in pictures Dahlet Qorrot Bay Photo by Mario Muscat
L' artal tas-Sagrament fin-Nadur Ritratt minn Mario Muscat
Qala windmill and Nadur skyline under a misty sunset By Alessio Sultana
Fountain at Xandriku Street Photo by Mario Muscat
Il vara ta' San Pietru u San Pawl mahduma minn Galard f' Marseille
Il vara ta San Pietru u San Pawl tan Nadur Ghawdex ingibet min Franza fil 1882. F dan ir ritat narawa kif kienet meta waslet l Ispirtu Santu zdied xi snin wara . Dan ir ritrat grazzi lil Darren Vella
Il-lum, 12 ta’ Mejju jaħbat il-153 sena mill-konsagrazzjoni tal-knisja. Il-Konsagrazzjoni ssir billi l-artal jindilek biż-żejt u jitwaħħlu dawk is-slaleb ta’ madwar il-knisja. Il-Konsagrazzjoni tfisser li dik l-art u l-binja tal-knisja ġew mogħtijin lil Alla. Bħalissa lanqas nistgħu nersqu wisq lejn il-knisja. Nistennew il-jum li nerġgħu niltaqgħu hemm. Sadanittant il-knisja kkonsagrata hija kull wieħed u waħda minna li qed nippruvaw inkunu Knisja fid-dar tagħna.
MOMORJI SBIEH TAL-HADD 25 GUNJU, 1967 Il-Parrocca tan-Nadur giet mgħollija ghad Dinjita ta' Bazilika Ritratt kortesija ta' Mario Muscat - Nadur
MEMORIES OF THE PAST IN NADUR Courtesy of Mario Muscat - Nadur
Mill lum c-centru tan-Nadur jerga jiehu ftit hajja meta mistennija jifthu certu hwienet. Dan wara li ghall-ahhar kwazi xahrejn kienu qed jifthu biss l-bank, spizeriji u hwienet tal-ikel, stationery u ironmongeries.
Nappellaw lil kulhadd biex xorta wahda jimxi mad-direttivi kollha tal-awtoritajiet tas-sahha u nirrispettaw lil xulxin.
The stripes flag to commemorate the Parish birthday in Nadur
Nadur invokes Our Lady’s intercession Photo: Charles Spiteri
A 1689 painting depicting Our Lady breastfeeding Jesus has been placed near the main altar at St Peter and St Paul Basilica in Nadur to invoke Our Lady’s intercession against the COVID-19 pandemic. The painting, donated to the church on the occasion of the inauguration of the new parish in 1688, must have been commissioned by someone who most probably ex-perienced the 1675-1676 plague which left around 11,300 persons dead. However, Gozo, Lija and Mdina recorded no fatalities. Besides Our Lady, the painting depicts St Michael Archangel, St Roque and St Sebastian, and a lady on the bottom left-hand side, reciting the rosary. Since the Middle Ages, St Sebastian and St Roque were regarded as protectors from various epidemics, including the bubonic plague.
Old farm house in Upper Ramla
Photo by Mario Muscat
THE SHIELD OF THE CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Made by Chevalier Chancellor Joe Louis Meilak of the Grand Chapter of Malta. The shield will form part of the furniture in the Office of the Confraternity in Nadur, Gozo. Well done Chancellor Joe Louis Meilak. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
San Koronatu fin-Nadur
Tissebbah in-nicca ta San Koronatu Martri li tinsab gewwa l-Bazilka tan-Nadur minn Mark Falzon.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Melbourne. Today, the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul organized its Annual BBQ to raise money for charity. As always, it was a very successful event and all the patrons were very happy. Thank you to all the volunteers who came to help yesterday and today. God bless you all. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli - Grand Master and the Supreme Council.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Our mission is to helping the poor in Peru. Medic by day, priest by night: a Gozitan missionary in the Amazon By John Paul Cordina.
Photo from left: Chevalier Joe Louis Meilak, Fr. Raymond Portelli and Chevalier Carmel Saliba presenting a donation to the mission in Peru.
What’s it like to be a doctor and a priest in one of the most remote cities on earth? Fr Raymond Portelli, a Gozitan priest who has called Peru his home for the past 26 years, recounted his experiences on 103 Malta’s Heart, on the programme Newsbook Hour presented by Fr Joe Borg. Fr Portelli is based in Iquitos, a city of around 400,000 people located in the Amazon basin. The city is the world’s largest city that cannot be reached by road: it is only accessible by river or air. Fr. Portelli is the parish priest of the St Martín de Porres parish, with a population of 18,000 people. Around a fifth of his parishioners are comfortably middle-class, but the vast majority are poor, with around a tenth living in extreme poverty. Households do have running water and electricity, but many live in simple wooden shacks on dirt roads. Due to the city’s isolation, job creation efforts are limited and unemployment is a significant problem. Many people try to eke out a living through fishing, agriculture or by selling trinkets on the streets of the city. Caring for the body and soul As the only priest in the parish – though a number of laypeople do help out – Fr Portelli seeks to look after his community’s pastoral needs. But he also identified another need: for healthcare. “I have always been interested in medicine, even before I joined the seminary,” he explains. Consequently, he obtained a dispensation from Gozo Bishop Nikol Cauchi to study medicine at Iquitos’ university part-time, and graduated as a medical doctor after nine years. He often sees patients at the parish, but notes that his parishioners clearly distinguish between his two roles. “They call me doctor by day, and father by night,” he notes. Helping out in the jungle Though he is based in the city, Fr Portelli regularly ventures outside the parish to provide religious and medical services to isolated communities along the Momón River, a small tributary of the Amazon. Travelling by speedboat to reach a series of tiny villages, with the most distant one 12 hours away, the priest encounters a completely different reality. These communities are virtually inaccessible most of the year, as a drop in water levels reduces the river to a muddy path, and are thus mostly self-reliant. People live in small huts with no doors – theft not being a concern in such an isolated place – in communities with no shops or facilities. Stocking up on medicines for the journey, Fr Portelli takes care of common ailments such as diabetes and malaria. If more serious health issues are identified, he offers to take patients to the city, but they often refuse, as they are unwilling to leave their families behind. Once all patients are treated, Fr Portelli holds a catechism session and celebrates mass, often illuminated by candlelight or kerosene lamps – electricity is unheard of so deep in the jungle. Though most are baptised Catholics, even non-Catholics attend mass out of respect. Living conditions may be harsh, but Fr Portelli also notes that there is a strong sense of community in these villages, with people helping each other out. Everyone knows everyone else, and everyone helps out whenever a new house is built. But every so often, village inhabitants try their luck in the city, effectively severing their ties with the community they grew up in. And as a result, they often feel lost among the city’s 400,000 inhabitants, struggling to fit in.
The flag of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul created by the Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and put in details by Ross Sabatini.
The flag is now registered as a Trade Mark in the Australian Federal Government IP Australia. Our aim is that one day the flag will fly in St. Peter Paul Square in Nadur during the feast of Mnarja.
Nadurama Poezija ta' Peter Paul Vella
Ghana fic-Centru Kulturali Malti gewwa Melbourne, l' Awstralja
Giacinta GrechNice to keep the Maltese folk singing going on so far from Malta. Was nice to have met a few of you some weeks ago. Best Wishes to ALL, especially Peter Paul Portelli.
Kelinu Vella Haber (1913-2014) Imwieled fin-Nadur fl-1 ta’ Ottubru tal-1913, Kelinu, kif ħafna kienu jsibuh, kien wieħed mill-aktar Nadurin li taw sehem attiv fit-tiswir u t-tisħiħ tal-ilsien Malti matul is-seklu għoxrin. Kien edukat fisSeminarju t’Għawdex u wara filKulleġġ tal-Ġiżwiti f’Birkirkara. Għamel xi żmien novizz mas-Soċjetà Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl u kien hemm li ltaqa’ mal-poeta Karmenu Vassallo. Fost il-ħafna inizzjattivi siewja tiegħu favur il-Malti, huwa waqqaf ‘ix-Xirka għat-Tixrid tal-Ilsien Malti’, u miegħu kien hemm Anton Buttigieg, Ġużè Bonnici, Ġużè Chetcuti u Ġorġ Pisani, li nislu wkoll huwa min-Nadur. L-ewwel laqgħa saret fil-15 ta’ Jannar 1939. Fl-1940 Vella Haber waqqaf din ix-Xirka wkoll ġewwa n-Nadur u din ħadmet bis-sħiħ favur aktar edukazzjoni u tixrid tal-lingwa Maltija kif ukoll biex jinxtered il-litteriżmu. Dan għen lil ħafna żgħażagħ kif ukoll lill-isforzi favur l-emanċipazzjoni tal-mara. Ħeġġeġ ħafna żgħażagħ jibdew jiktbu u mbagħad il-kitba tagħhom kienet tinqara fuq irrediffusion. Fost iż-żgħażagħ li kienu msieħba u ffurmata fl-għaqda li waqqaf Kelinu nsibu persunaġġi bħal Guido De Marco, Charles Camilleri u Frans Ebejer. Kien ukoll membru għal xi żmien fl-Assemblea Nazzjonali tal-Gvern. Miet nhar it-28 ta’ Jannar 2014, fl-età ta’ 100 sena.1 Bħala rikonoxximent tal-ħimda tiegħu kien ingħata Ġieħ irRepubblika fl-1997 mill-President tar-Repubblika l-Eċċ. T. Dr Ugo Mifsud Bonnici.
Fost il-ħafna kitbiet tiegħu, in-Nadur kellu post prominenti. Forsi l-aktar li jispikkaw huma l-folkdrama ‘Nadurjana’ u l-poemett bl-istess isem: ‘Nadurjana’. Il-folkdrama ‘Nadurjana’ li huwa kiteb bħala rakkont f’650 vers joħroġ fil-beraħ il-karattru tan-Nadur u n-Nadurin, dejjem marbuta mal-baħar u mal-agrikultura. Dan kollu fl-isfond tal-istorja li tibda miż-żmien tal-qedem u li twaħħad fiha l-kult lejn San Pietru u San Pawl ma’ dak pagan. Dan irrakkont jimxi mbagħad maż-żmien tal-ħbit tal-furbani, tattwelid tal-parroċċa, taż-żmien li fih saru l-qniepen fl-1815, iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Imnarja fil-Buskett, li inċidentalment qed tagħlaq tliet mitt sena (kien fl-1720, skont ma jikteb Giovanni Agius de Soldanis li l-Imnarja bdiet tiġi ċċelebrata b’dan il-mod fil-Buskett), għall-bini tal-knisja, it-tkabbir tagħha u l-leġġendi marbuta mar-raħal. Hawn se nagħti silta ċkejkna ħafna li anke toħroġ fil-beraħ il-kuntest li fiha nkitbet. Billi din il-folkdrama nkitbet għall-okkażjoni tal-festi triċentinarji mit-twaqqif tal-parroċċa fl-1688, u billi dak iż-żmien qamet il-kwistjoni pjuttost taħraq bejn in-Nadur u l-Qala dwar min minnhom kellu leġittimament jiċċelebra t-300 sena tiegħu, Vella Haber kiteb hekk:
‘In-Nadur kien sar parroċċa maqdes bnew in-Nadurin għax kien ġie Cocco Palmeri amar fis lil Bernardin knisja ibni mar amarlu f’dik il-wesgħa ta’ Nadur qim ġie’ fiha ’l Pietru u Pawlu sadattant aħraq il-bħur ġewwa l-Qala l-Kunċizzjoni fost il-poplu żomm l-unjoni.2
Fih ukoll dawn il-versi patrijottiċi: Jiddomina n-Nadur tagħna minn kull fejn tħares lejh kif mill-port ta’ Malta toħroġ dlonk jisraqlek dwal għajnejk!
Iktar ma qribu tersaq iktar ’il fuq jogħla u kien minħabba f’hekk li nħatar biex għall-Għawdxin ikun gardjola!
Il-widien u l-miġriet tiegħek il-għerien u l-bajjiet ismijiet ta’ nisel juru minn tal-eqdem żminijiet kif il-ġonna u l-kampanja it-triqat l-inħawi sbieħ ismijiet tal-qedem għandhom jixhdu nisel xiħ bis-sħiħ!
Għaċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tas-sena tal-Fidi u tal-1900 sena mill-martirju ta’ San Pietru u San Pawl kienu saru festi kbar fin-Nadur, li l-Knisja Kolleġġjata tiegħu kienet għadha 2 Duminku Camilleri, 125 Sena Kkonsagrata. 125 Sena Bażilika, Vigilat 4, (Nadur 1992), 86-98.
hemm ġiet mgħollija għad-dinjità ta’ Bażilika Minuri. Waqt Akkademja mużiko-letterarja nhar il-Ħamis 27 ta’ Ġunju 1968 kienet inqrat il-peożija ta’ Vella Haber li ġġib l-istess isem ‘Nadurjana’. Dan huwa wkoll xogħol patrijottiku fuq l-istess temi ta’ dak imsemmi aktar ’il fuq:
Wiret in-Nadur fuqani l-isbaħ u l-ogħla fost kull panorama li jiflaħ joffri l-arċipelagu tagħna ... ... In-Nadur kiseb foħrija kiseb ġmiel u dija kiseb ruħ Nadurija mill-erwieħ tal-Għawdxin l-oħra.
3 Fost diversi poeżiji oħrajn li huwa kiteb dwar in-Nadur insibu għadd fil-ktieb ta’ Karm Caruana In-Nadur u t-Tempju Tiegħu Monumentali. ‘Il-Bajja ta’ San Blas’ li hija ddedikata lil Girgor Buttigieg ‘Naduri li għex u miet ta’ qaddis,’ u fiha jiddeskrivi l-bajja bħala ‘s-sebħ u l-kobor tan-Nadur,’ blistess stil romantiku ta’ poeti oħrajn ta’ qablu: ‘San Blas nitgħaxxaq bik: / Seħer il-ħajja nsibu kollu fik!’4
Imbagħad insibu wkoll diversi poeżiji oħrajn b’laqta patrijottika. Vella Haber kiteb ‘Il-Kanuni tan-Nadur’ bħala ‘tifkira tal-Professur Lazzru Pisani li Pitter ilMaqdes tan-Nadur.’ Fiha l-kanuni li xi darba kienu jisparaw fuq ‘il-misħut Nofs Qamar’ sabiex jiddefendu lir-reliġjon Nisranija, issa jinsabu sektin. Kanuni oħrajn ‘qniepen saru,’ b’referenza għall-manuvra li kien għamel il-kappillan Dun Anton Scasciato (1772-1834) fl-18151816 meta rnexxielu jakkwista kanuni bil-permess tal Gvernatur Sir Thomas Maitland (1760-1824) sabiex jagħmilhom qniepen ġodda.5 F’ ‘Żernieq il-Maqdes tanNadur’ iddedikata bħala ‘Bukkett qronfol lill-Professur F.S. Sciortino’, il-poeta jibda mill-leġġenda tal-bini talKnisja meta Girgor għabba l-ħmara bil-ġebel u fejn din waqfet, allura nbniet din il-binja u jinfexx f’ħafna tifħir:
Maqdes gwapp ħafna n-Nadur inbena Nixxiegħa sar tal-ogħla sebħ u faħar; Ġieħ dan il-maqdes jiktor, le jinfena.
6 Fuq laqta reliġjuża, fil-poeżija ‘Luminaria Magna’, ‘B’tifkira u żżih il-ħajr lill-Artista Piju Cellini’, Vella Haber jeżalta lil San Pietru u San Pawl fil-ġrajjiet ta’ Attila s-Salvaġġ. Kienu huma li ‘ħarġu għalih bil-qilla, / ħanqu lill-għadu bir-rabtiet tal-lġiem.’ Hekk ukoll ‘aħna nirbħu żgur ... il-Kruċjata Mqaddsa ...’ Dan kollu bit-tarka tal-Imnarja, voldieri tażżewġt idwal li huma San Pietru u San Pawl.7
Anke fix-xogħol tiegħu ‘Quddiem San Koronatu Martri. Fit-Tempju Monumentali tan-Nadur,’ Kelinu jinseġ għanja ta’ tifħir lil dan il-bniedem li sa minn żmien ilu n-Nadurin qisuh bħala Kon-Patrun tagħhom flimkien ma’ San Pietru u San Pawl:
L-osservazzjoni li jagħmel meta jikteb li ‘mhux ta’ b’xejn b’ismek imgħammda / ħafna wlied minn tan-Nadur!’ kienet tapplika b’mod tajjeb għall-1953 meta dehret din il-poeżija ppubblikata, iżda llum iż-żminijiet inbidlu u huma ftit jekk xejn, dawk it-tfal Nadurin li jiġu msemmija għal San Koronatu. Jolqtok ukoll kif Vella Haber jitratta mal-fatt li ma nafu xejn dwar dan il-korp, iżda hu joħroġ b’dan: ‘Aktar m’Int mostur u moħbi, / aktar fostna sirt magħruf ...’ U tassew għaliex f’dawn iż-żminijiet li fih kien qed jikteb San Koronatu kien għad għandu ħafna popolarità fin-Nadur, xi ħaġa li bħal dik tal-ismijiet, illum ixxejnet ukoll.
3 Duminku Camilleri, 200 Sena mit-Twelid ta’ l-E.T. Mons. M. Buttigieg. 100 Sena Arċipretali, Vigilat 5, (Nadur 1993), 94-95. 4 Karm Caruana, In-Nadur u t-Tempju Tiegħu Monumentali, (Nadur 1953), 23.
5 Ibid., 120 6 Ibid., 125 7 Ibid., 133. Kelinu Vella Haber jingħata ġieħ mill-Akkademja tal-Malti f'għeluq il-mitt sena tiegħu - 2013 Storja, Kultura u Attwalità36
'In-Nadur' Poezija ta' Patri Mattew Sultana
Jekk f’sidri nħoss nifs qawwi, Jekk bqajt sal-lum bil-ferħ qalbi trid tfur, Ngħid li mill-arja, mid-dehriet ta’ seħer U l-ħlewwa tan-Nadur.
Fejn il-ħolqien jitbissem Kont nilmaħ qalb dawk l-oqsma, żara’ u ħdura; Widien, għoljiet, siġar tal-frott fejn tħares; Kemm xtaqtni ma ġejtx lura!
X’jiem hienja! X’jiem ta’ seħer, F’raħal sabiħ, f’ġenna tal-art qattajt! Sirt naf in-nies, tħabbibt, ħabbejt, ħabbewni; Nies bħalhom, ftit, jekk rajt! Sal-lum bqajt nistħajjilni
Inħoss il-fewġa tonfoħ f’dawk l-ibruħ, Tmelles fuq wiċċi u fuq uċuh ir-raba’ U nħossha ‘ttini r-ruħ. U għalkemm minkejja fija
Tlaqt f’qasir żmien u ’l min sirt naf ħallejt, Ġmiel in-natura mżiegħed f’dawk l-inħawi U r-raħal qatt ma nsejt. Għax dawn in-nies dħulija ...
Maqdes San Pietru Pawl, ġmiel kull fejn tmur, Ħallewni noħlom b’dawk il-jiem mgħoddija F’dil-‘Ġenna ta’ Nadur’.
Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi receives Gieh in-Nadur 23 November, 2019
Members of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul of the Grand Chapter of Malta, during the presentation of Gieh in Nadur to Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi Deputy Chancellor.
Photo from left: Chevalier Adonai Camilleri Cauchi, Dame Marlene Muscat, Chevalier Carmel Saliba, Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi, Chevalier Chancellor Joseph Louis Meilak, Brother Matthias Mercieca and Dame Veronica Camilleri Cauchi.
Message from the Grand Master H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli
Photo: The Secretary Chevalier Carmel Saliba is reading the message from the Grand Master for the presentation of Gieh in Nadur to Chevalier Deputy Chancellor Michael Camilleri Cauchi.
The Grand Master His Excellency Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and the Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is very honoured to have Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi one of its own.
He has been a very dedicated and honourable member of our Confraternity. He is always ready to give advice to help our Confraternity to achieve more.
We are very happy to say that on Tuesday this week, we donated $10,000 to the Royal Women’s Hospital - Newborn Intensive Care Unit. The money was raised from a Fund Raising Lunch we had last month and some donations from individuals and sponsors.
This year we donated others sums of money to the Australian Farmers who were suffering from drought-ravaged part of the State of Victoria and to our missions in Peru.
Our Confraternity is still small but it’s making a big impact to help those in need.
We like to Congratulate Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi, on receiving the honour Gieh in-Nadur 2019.
God bless you.
H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
Gozo Channel ship damaged after crashing into pier - MinisterMonday, 25 November 2019, Gozo Channel is operating with only two ships after one of the ferries was damaged today due to the strong winds and rough seas, Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana told Parliament. It had already been announced that the MV Nikolaus, which was leased by the company to operate as a fourth vessel, was to undergo repair work that will last till mid-December. The company was operating with three vessels until this morning when one of the remaining three ships was damaged and needs repair work.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Melbourne. Australia. By Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli - Grand Master
On Tuesday 19 November, 2019 the Members of the Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul made a generous donation of $10,000 to the Royal Women's Hospital - Newborn Intensive Care Unit.
Every year more than1,600 babies who are born sick or prematurely are cared for by the specialist NICU team at the Women's.
The money was raised from a Lunch organised by theGrand Chapter of Melbourne on the 13 of October, 2019.
The Supreme Council has agreed to donate money to the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital at the Good Friday Appeal.
Photo from left: Chevalier Saverio Greto, Dame Gail Vas, Dame Carmela Barbaro, Chevalier Vincenzo Galtieri. H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli - Grand Master presenting the cheque to Sue Jacobs Deputy Clinical Director - Neonatal Paediatrician, Laura Bignell Chief Midwifery and Nursing Officer, Dame Angela Greto and Dame Mimma Sabatini.
Yesterday Bishop Giovanni Cefai a missionary priest in Peru celebrated Mass in the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nadur. After the Mass the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul donated money to his mission. Thanks to the Supreme Council of the Confraternity in Melbourne and the Grand Chapter of Nadur for the money. Thanks also to Mons. Jimmy Xerri Parish Priest of Nadur for his support.
This was the second time that the Confraternity donated money to missions in Peru in the last couple of months.
God bless His Excellency Bishop Giovanni Cefai for his work to help the poor and the sick.
God bless the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
Dahlet Qorrot Bay from Sopu Tower in San Blas Nadur, Gozo. Malta.
Nadur Bailica Church from San Blas
Sopu Tower built in 1667 by the Knights of Malta
Sopu Tower is situated on the cliffs between St. Blas and Dahlet Qorrot bays in Nadur.
Black statue of St. Peter on the throne
I saw this statue while visiting the church of St Anselm and St Cecilia Roman Catholic church in Kingsway, Holborn, London.
Just like the one in Rome and Nadur.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Nadur. Gozo. A meeting of the Confraternity was held in the Nadur Council Board Room on Monday 24th June where two newly Knights were appointed by Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and Paul. These are Chev Joe M. Attard of Rabat Gozo and Chev Joe Meilaq. Congratulations. Photos Copyright Carmel Saliba 24.6.19.
After the meeting of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and Paul we attended for the 25th Anniversary Mass of Fr Raymond Portelli at Nadur Basilica. Donations to Fr Raymond were presented to be used in his mission in Peru. Congratulations to Fr Raymond. Photos Copyright Carmel Saliba 24.6.19.