MICHAEL CAMILLERI Michael Camilleri ta' Sufa, was born in Nadur, Gozo and lived in Old Mill Street. Michael immigrated to Melbourne in 1920. He opened a grocery store on Kings Street in the City. Later in 1930, he bought an acreage of land and built a house in the small rural town of Nowa Nowa, in East Gippsland. The only transport to Nowa Nowa in those days was by train to nearby towns. Michael Camilleri was a very courageous person to make such a big move from the city to the country. Today, most of the Camilleri family live in the surrounding towns of Nowa Nowa. His grandson Peter lives on the farm and in the same house that Michael built. Michael died at the age of 68. Yesterday, Mary and I had the opportunity to visit the house and meet the family of Michael Camilleri. His nephew Joe Vella followed him from the city to Nowa Nowa.
Recent passing Alfred Muscat
Alfred was born and baptized in Nadur, Gozo. Moved to Victoria, Gozo with the family. He also lived in Melbourne, Australia.
Rest in peace cousin Alfred.
Se jibda xogħol biex jitneħħa l-periklu mill-Batterija tal-Qolla l-Bajda fil-Qbajjar 21 ta' Jannar 2025
Ġie ffirmat ftehim bejn l-Awtorità tal-Artijiet u Heritage Malta biex tibda l-ħidma meħtieġa biex jitneħħa l-periklu mill-Batterija tal-Qolla l-Bajda fil-Qbajjar, Għawdex. Il-ftehim iffirmat miż-żewġ entitajiet jipprovdi lil Heritage Malta biex b’mod immedjat talloka perit bil-għan li jsiru l-applikazzjonijiet kollha meħtieġa mal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar biex jiġi indirizzat il-periklu preżenti. L-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, min-naħa tagħha, ser tkun qed tippubblika t-tenders u tikseb is-servizzi li hemm bżonn biex isiru x-xogħlijiet. Wara din il-fażi, se jitkomplew diskussjonijiet biex jiġu stabbiliti x-xogħlijiet kollha li hemm bżonn fil-batterija b’deċiżjoni xprunata mill-obbligu lejn rispett u konservazzjoni tal-patrimonju kulturali. Din il-batterija taf l-oriġini tagħha għall-bidu tas-Seklu 18 u kienet waħda minn sensiela ta’ fortifikazzjonijiet li nbnew mill-Kavallieri ta’ San Ġwann. Il-Batterija tal-Qolla l-Bajda hija l-aħħar waħda tax-xorta tagħha li għad fadal f’Għawdex. Il-batterija kienet ġiet abbandunata mill-Forzi Ingliżi fis-Seklu 19. Fl-aħħar xhur il-Ministeru għall-Artijiet u l-Implimentazzjoni tal-Programm Elettorali kien f’kuntatt mal-Ministeru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali. Dan biex setgħu jibdew taħdidiet bejn l-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, li fl-amministrazzjoni tagħha jinsab dan is-sit u Heritage Malta dwar il-futur ta’ din il-batterija u dawn it-taħdidiet waslu għall-Memorandum ta’ Ftehim li ġie ffirmat bejn iż-żewġ entitajiet. tvmnews.mt/news/se-jibda-xoghol-biex-jitnehha-l-periklu-mill-batterija-tal-qolla-l-bajda-fil-qbajjar/
Malta saw over 300 new foreign cab drivers despite Prime Minister saying 'no more workers needed' In July 2024, Prime Minister Robert Abela stated, 'The country has reached the maximum, and no more such workers is needed. Therefore, no more workers will be accepted in these types of jobs' • 307 new foreign cab drivers obtained their permit after Abela's statement
21 January 2025, by Matthew Farrugia
Throughout last year, Malta gained 1,188 cab drivers, but only 296 of them were Maltese, with the remaining 892 being foreign
More than 300 foreign drivers were granted a Transport Malta (TM) permit needed to drive cabs in the five months after Prime Minister Robert Abela said that the country has enough taxi drivers. In July 2024, Abela had stated that, “The country has reached the maximum, and no more such workers is needed. Therefore, no more workers will be accepted in these types of jobs.” He had confirmed that hundreds of non-EU nationals applying to work as taxi drivers and food couriers are having their work permit applications refused. Despite this, data tabled in parliament on Tuesday shows that 307 foreign individuals were granted TM-issued tags needed to legally drive cabs. Responding to a parliamentary question by shadow minister for transport Mark Anthony Sammut, transport minister Chris Bonett provided a breakdown of the number of tags granted to Maltese and foreign cab drivers in 2024. Throughout last year, Malta gained 1,188 cab drivers, but only 296 of them were Maltese, with the remaining 892 being foreign.
The figures show that the five months after Robert Abela's statement, the number of new foreign cab drivers decreased by about 100 when compared to the previous five months. Insiders explain anomaly Industry insiders who spoke to MaltaToday explained the likely reason behind the still-growing number of foreign cab drivers. "While it is true that a cab operator's request to bring foreign workers to Malta to drive cabs will be rejected by Identità, this does not take into consideration the 100,000 foreigners already in Malta." The insider explained that once a third-country national resides in Malta for over six months, they can obtain a driver's licence after passing the driving test. After obtaining the licence, they can apply for a cab driver tag, where they will likely be accepted. Cab lobby had flagged increase in cab vehicles in December Last December, employment minister Byron Camilleri had claimed that the number of TCNs working in Malta’s cab and courier sectors had decreased by 19% since June. Responding to another parliamentary question at the time, Camilleri did not separate cab drivers from couriers and gave one global figure as a statistic. This caught the eye of the Light Passenger Operators Association (LPOA), which stated that abuse in the sector remains widespread. LPOA also made reference to cab journey prices which have returned to 2023 levels after a spike last summer. "This indicates that the market remains oversupplied, similar to when large numbers of 3CNs were being employed." The association further questioned how some fleet owners have increased their fleet sizes significantly, with more than 150 cars added across a number of fleets. "This raises the question: Who is driving these cars if the supply of drivers has decreased?" Separately, the spokesperson emphasised that when publishing such figures, distinctions must be made between couriers and cab drivers, in order to provide a clear picture of each sector. www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/133257/malta_saw_more_than_300_new_foreign_cab_driver_in_2024_despite_prime_ministers_pledge
Żagħżugħ mixli li ta bil-ponn u b’sikkina anzjan li ma tahx flus 21 ta' Jannar 2025
Read in English Żagħżugħ ta’ 26 sena li m’għandux indirizz fiss fejn jgħix baqa’ miżmum taħt arrest wara li kien mixli li kkaġuna ġrieħi gravi lil anzjan ta’ 64 sena billi tah bil-ponn u b’sikkina għax ma tahx il-flus. Marcus Slaine Azzopardi tressaq quddiem il-Maġistrat Caroline Farrugia Frendo b’rabta mal-każ li seħħ il-Ħadd li għadda quddiem il-Knisja tal-Kunċizzjoni tal-Ħamrun. Huwa spjega li għalkemm l-indirizz fejn jgħix huwa fuq Santa Venera missieru ma jridux id-dar, spiċċa jgħix f’għalqa u jittallab għall-flus. Fl-awla rriżulta li għall-ħabta tat-8.30pm l-anzjan ħareġ bil-kelb tiegħu kif jagħmel ta’ kull filgħaxija u l-akkużat mar fuqu u talbu l-flus. Meta l-anzjan qallu li ma kellux flus fuqu ż-żagħżugħ allegatament beda jagħtih bil-ponn u waqt li kien mal-art tah bis-sikkina, tnejn f’dahru u waħda f’għonqu. L-anzjan ittieħed l-Isptar Mater Dei fejn instab li kien sofra ġrieħi gravi waqt li l-Pulizija bdiet tfittxija għall-akkużat sakemm arrestatu u llum ressqitu fil-Qorti. Huwa wieġeb mhux ħati madankollu l-Avukat Alexia Vassallo, li qed tidher għalih, ma talbitx għall-ħelsien mill-arrest u għalhekk iż-żagħżugħ baqa’ arrestat. Il-prosekuzzjoni f’dan il-każ qed titmexxa’ mill-Avukat Miryea Mifsud mill-Uffiċċju tal-Avukat Ġenerali u mill-Ispettur Elisia Scicluna. tvmnews.mt/news/zaghzugh-mixli-li-ta-bil-ponn-u-bsikkina-lil-anzjan-talli-ma-tahx-flus-li-talbu/
“Ħafna adulti barranin qed ifittxu li jitgħammdu” – Il-Kappillan ta’ Wied il-Għajn Madwar 1,000 ruħ attendew għall-festa ta’ Santo Niño
Minn Gabriel Lia
20 ta' Jannar 2025
Ritratt: Marsaskala Parish Il-Kappillan ta’ Wied il-Għajn Fr Luke Cutajar stqarr li fil-parroċċa tagħhom qed ikun hemm ħafna adulti barranin li qed ifittxu li jiskopru aktar dwar il-fidi tagħhom u jitgħammdu fosthom Ċiniżi, Filippini u Pakistani. Oħrajn jirċievu s-sagrament tal-Griżma f’età kbira. Hu qal dan meta kien qed jieħu sehem fil-programm What’s On Newsbook li jixxandar mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa wara l-bullettin tal-12pm fuq RTK103. Din kienet is-seba’ darba li ġiet iċċelebrata l-festa ta’ Santo Niño f’Wied il-Għajn. Din hija festa tradizzjonali li ssir fit-tielet Ħadd ta’ Jannar. Fr Victor Agius, id-Direttur tal-MISSIO Malta, għamel madwar 40 sena fil-Filippini għaldaqstant kien ta’ sapport biex dawn il-Kristjani jiċċelebraw ukoll il-festa tagħhom permezz taż-żfin, il-kant u anke jieħdu l-ikel biex jaqsmuh mal-kumplament tal-Iskaliżi u dawk preżenti.
“Dan il-ġest ta’ qsim, hu sabiħ għax juru li huma komdi u milqugħa f’din il-komunità” stqarr Fr Luke filwaqt li kompla li jgħid li matul din is-sena attendew madwar 1,000 ruħ. Hu fakkar li Ġesù ġie għal kulħadd u kif attività bħal din turi s-sabiħ tal-Knisja. L-intervista kollha: Huma wkoll involuti fil-parroċċa Skaliża matul is-sena kollha. Nhar ta’ Ħadd fl-10:30am issir quddies bl-Ingliż u l-komunità Filippina tanima l-quddies bil-kant u darba f’xahar ikollhom ukoll laqgħa ta’ formazzjoni. newsbook.com.mt/hafna-adulti-barranin-qed-ifittxu-li-jitghammdu-kappillan-ta-wied-il-ghajn/
“Minn tfuliti kien jispirani għall-għaqal u l-kawtela” – Il-President dwar Ġorġ Borg Olivier Jitnieda l-ktieb Ġorġ Borġ Olivier – il-Bniedem, il-Politiku, il-Missier ta’ Malta Indipendenti
Minn Charmaine Attard - 17 ta' Jannar 2025
Ritratt: OPR
Il-President ta’ Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono qalet li minn tfulitha Ġorġ Borġ Olivier kien jispiraha għall-għaqal, il-kawtela u l-kapaċità li jistenna l-mument opportun qabel jieħu deċiżjonijiet importanti. Il-President qalet dan waqt it-tnedija tal-ktieb Ġorġ Borġ Olivier – il-Bniedem, il-Politiku, il-Missier ta’ Malta Indipendenti li saret il-Ħamis filgħaxija fil-Palazz tal-President f’Sant’Anton. L-awtur ta’ dan il-ktieb huwa l-ġurnalist veteran Michael Caruana. Il-ktieb ġie ppubblikat mill-Partit Nazzjonalista f’għeluq is-60 anniversarju tal-Indipendenza ta’ Malta. “Kieku ma kienx hemm l-Indipendenza, Malta ma kinitx tkun tista’ ssir Repubblika”Il-President qalet li hi tikkunsidra ruħha bħala Repubblikana u dejjem xtaqet li tara lil Malta ssir Repubblika. Qalet, iżda, li minkejja li kienet timmilita fil-Partit Laburista, dejjem tkellmet b’mod ċar u dejjem qalet illi kieku ma kienx hemm l-Indipendenza li ġab Ġorġ Borg Olivier, Malta ma kinetx tkun tista’ ssir Repubblika. Kompliet tgħid li llum, 60 sena wara l-Indipendenza, il-poplu Malti għandu prospetti u opportunitajiet aktar miftuħa u aktar mifruxa. Saħqet li “l-opportunitajiet għaż-żgħażagħ tagħna nfetħu u l-pajjiż mexa ’l quddiem”. “Dan kollu nafuh b’mod speċjali għall-fiduċja fil-poplu li kapaċi jfendi mingħajr ma jkun maħkum, fiduċja li kellu Ġorġ Borg Olivier fil-ġens Malti meta stinka kemm felaħ sakemm Malta saret pajjiż sovran u indipendenti”, żiedet tgħid. Diskorsi oħra b’esperjenzi anki personali dwar Ġorġ Borg Olivier saru mill-Imħallef Toni Abela, mill-Professur Tonio Borg u minn Dr Alexander Borg Olivier, iben Ġorġ Borg Olivier. Fl-istess serata, l-awtur tal-ktieb, Michael Caruana, kien ukoll intervistat mill-ġurnalist Dione Borg. Fin-nuqqas tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Bernard Grech, li kien Berlin għal laqgħa mal-mexxejja tal-Partit Popolari Ewropew, is-serata tat-tnedija ta’ dan il-ktieb għalqet b’diskors mill-Viċi Kap Alex Perici Calascione, li filwaqt li feraħ lill-awtur għal din il-pubblikazzjoni, elenka wkoll uħud mill-aqwa kwalitajiet li kellu Ġorġ Borg Olivier, valuri, li fi kliemu, tajjeb li jħarsu lejhom u jimitawhom dawk kollha li llum qegħdin jaspiraw għal karriera politika. Is-serata, li kienet preżentata minn Mario Xuereb, inkludiet interventi mużikali mis-Sopran Anita Vella Bondin, akkumpanjata fuq il-pjanu minn Dr Romina Morrow. newsbook.com.mt/minn-tfuliti-kien-jispirani-ghall-ghaqal-u-l-kawtela-il-president-dwar-gorg-borg-olivier/
Identità racket: Two charged with human trafficking, money laundering By Monique Agius
January 16, 2025
Ritratt: [email protected] Car dealer Bernard Attard and former Identità employee Maria Spiteri were arraigned separately on Thursday afternoon in connection with the identity cards racket. The pair had been named in a magisterial inquiry requested by lawyer Jason Azzopardi into an alleged racket at Identità last August. The first to be arraigned was Maria Spiteri, 32, from Siġġiewi. She was charged with money laundering. She was also accused of forging a public document, making malicious use of forged documents, and fraud. She was also charged with breaching different provisions of the Migration Act including human trafficking. Spiteri was also accused of conspiring to commit a crime. The former Identità official was accused of making false declarations to Tax Commissioner, Customs, Housing Authority and Identità. She faced charges of trading in influence as well as a public officer she had accepted a bribe. The woman was also accused of computer misuse. The charges were aggravated given that she was a public official at the time and was duty bound to prevent the commission of such offences. The woman pleaded not guilty. Inspector Christian Abela told the court that at the end of 2023, the police began investigating a report regarding third country nationals who were fraudulently obtaining a residence permit as a family member of a UK national under the Brexit agreement. To date, the police has already arraigned five to six individuals, some of whom have pleaded guilty and are serving an effective prison term. ‘Confused’ Identità employee avoids charges as police close investigation During their statements, the foreigners named both Bernard Attard and Maria Spiteri as the individuals who helped them get the forged documents. The investigation was carried out by the Immigration police and eventually the FCID also assisted the unit. Both Spiteri and Attard were arrested in mid-July. Between June and September 2024, the police had arrested five third country nationals who had fraudulently obtained a residence document. Since then, both accused were given police bail, only to be arraigned under arrest on Thursday afternoon. Lawyer Alfred Abela assisting Spiteri made a request for bail. Prosecutor Andrea Zammit objected arguing that there was a risk she would tamper with evidence or try to suborn the civilian witnesses in the case who are third country nationals. He also argued that the woman was given certain trust as a public official, but this had been breached. He underlined that although she no longer worked at Identità there was a fear she would still try to approach the witnesses who had been deceived. Abela asked the prosecution to confirm whether there was an ongoing magisterial inquiry, which they confirmed. He argued that the evidence gathered so far is protected by the exercise undertaken by the inquiring magistrate. “No one has ever complained about Maria Spiteri while she was on police bail,” the defence argued. Zammit asked inspector Lara Butters who had asked for the inquiry, to which she replied lawyer Jason Azzopardi. Abela insisted that the witnesses had already testified in the inquiry and there was no need to remand the woman in custody. “Everyone knew there was an inquiry into the case. My client’s name was splashed all over the media,” Abela said, adding that he could not see how it suddenly became an issue if she had to be released on bail. Magisterial inquiry approved into alleged ID card corruption scheme Abela also underlined that the accused is presumed to be innocent until found guilty. After hearing the submissions, the court denied bail and remanded the woman in custody. A request for a freezing order upheld. Next to be arraigned was Attard. The former car dealer was charged with similar charges except that he was never a public official. He pleaded not guilty. Lawyer José Herrera assisting Attard asked for bail. He argued that at law a person could have been arraigned either under summons or arrest, and that in cases which were “much more serious than this one”, people were arraigned under summons. He argued that given there is an inquiry ongoing, the compilation of evidence can rest on the findings of the inquiry and it is only when it culminates into a jury that evidence will be heard once again. The evidence in this case has been preserved, Herrera insisted, adding that in this case, the accused was not a public official. “It could be that my client will cooperate closely with the prosecution,” Herrera said, adding that the man was not admitting to the charges. Zammit hit back that Attard had no interest in assisting the authorities, and turned himself into an accomplice, who corrupted a public official with access to sensitive information. The prosecutor underlined that Attard had direct access to the third country nationals who had approached him. He was also the one to allegedly collect the payments. The AG lawyer added that the magisterial inquiry, which was initiated by a private citizen, was still ongoing. Lawyer Matthew Xuereb also assisting the accused, asked whether the TCNs who had been arraigned and convicted had been deported out of Malta, as he was informed that some of them may have already left the country. The prosecution said it was not aware. “Bernard Attard was never a public official. His father is present in the courtroom and can guarantee with all his assets,” Xuereb said, adding that it was not excluded that Attard will cooperate with the police. The court also denied bail in this case. AG lawyers Andrea Zammit and Manuel Grech together with inspectors Andy Rotin, Keith Caruana Darmanin, Christian Abela and Lara Butters. Lawyers José Herrera, Matthew Xuereb assisted Attard. Lawyers Alfred Abela and Rene Darmanin assisted Spiteri. In a statement, Identitá said the investigation that was initiated by the government agency led to Thursday’s arraignments. Although there were no testimonies under oath in court, Identità claimed that “the evidence presented in court shows that the agency was right.” No testimonies were heard since this was an arraignment and it was only the police inspectors telling the court what led to Spiteri’s and Attard’s arrest, followed by submissions made by the prosecution and defence on why bail should be denied and granted, respectively. Referring to a non-existent testimony, the agency said it was victim of baseless allegations which were aimed at damaging the entity and casting a doubt on its operations and employees. It welcomed the legal action taken against the two individuals, adding that these were the result of an internal investigation by the Compliance and Expatriates Unit within Identità. The internal investigation started in September 2022 when the agency began looking into irregularities concerning residence permits issued for Egyptian nationals back in September 2022. These were flagged to the police and eventually arraigned. “Today, two more individuals were arraigned and they are facing multiple charges including corruption, money laundering and human trafficking on five cases and not hundreds as it had been previously claimed,” Identità said. It also reminded that the agency always denied any wrongdoing when allegations were made against it. Stay updated. Download the free app.
[WATCH] Abela vows to protect under-fire ministers: 'They have to pass over my dead body' Robert Abela insisted that the magisterial inquiries reform is essential to prevent 'abuse of justice,' while he lashed out against 'forces of darkness', 'fake news blogs', and 'hypocrites'
15 January 2025, by Matthew Farrugia
“They have to pass over my dead body. I will not let them destroy my ministers” (Photo: James Bianchi: MaltaToday)
Prime Minister Robert Abela has lashed out against what he called “forces of darkness”, “fake news blogs”, and “hypocrites” as he defended the rushed tabling of an amendment that would change the way magisterial inquiries are initiated. On Tuesday, justice minister Jonathan Attard tabled the amendment for its first reading, but no details have yet been published. This came only a few weeks after Abela had tasked the justice minister with drafting a reform of the law that regulates magisterial inquiries. On Wednesday, MaltaToday noted that while this amendment had seemingly been finished in record time, other reforms are still stuck in limbo. For instance, in May 2023, Abela had promised to reform the appeals law to prevent developers from going ahead with construction projects that are subject to appeals in court. Abela’s government is also nowhere near the introduction of a lobbying register that was supposed to be concluded last year, while journalists are still waiting for a White Paper for public consultation on reforms for the media. When confronted with this, Abela listed a number of reforms undertaken by the Labour government years ago. On the long-awaited construction appeal reform, Abela explained that this is still in the pipeline because “there are different stakeholders with different expectations.” He said that government wants to protect against “frivolous appeals.” Abela did not reply when asked who was consulted before the drafting of the magisterial inquiries reform. Instead, he pointed at “flagrant abuse of legal tools” witnessed in the past few weeks aimed at “preventing the hand of justice from reaching who it should reach.” He went on about “a small clique of people trying to seize institutions and terrorise them so that justice doesn’t reach them.” He justified the rushed magisterial inquiries amendments by stating that a number of people, including ministers and civil servants who fulfilled their duty lawfully are being attacked. When told that he is speaking about people who are still subject to inquiries, Abela went on to defend them. READ ALSO:A dangerous knee-jerk reaction The Prime Minister said that these people are being investigated, “because there is a fake news blog, Shift News, who specialise in reporting falsehoods. 90% of what they report contain falsehoods.” Abela said that these news reports are the only thing used to open these magisterial inquiries. Abela insisted that government “doesn’t want to kill magisterial inquiries,” but wishes to prevent “abuse” of such inquiries. “I will totally defend the two ministers (Clint Camilleri and Silvio Schembri), their wives (who are civil servants), the permanent secretary, and the Lands Authority CEO.” Abela went on to say, “They have to pass over my dead body. I will not let them destroy my ministers.” www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/133165/watch_abela_vows_to_protect_underfire_ministers_they_have_to_pass_over_my_dead_body
Pixxina ta’ iktar minn €17-il miljun: Jason Azzopardi jitlob għat-3 inkjesta dwar Clint Camilleri Il-Ministru għal Għawdex jiċħad dawn l-allegazzjonijiet
Minn Maria Daniela Camilleri - 15 ta' Jannar 2025
Ritratti ta' Miguela Xuereb L-avukat u eks Ministru Nazzjonalista Jason Azzopardi ressaq it-tielet talba tiegħu għal inkjesta maġisterjali dwar il-Ministru għal Għawdex Clint Camilleri, fejn allega irregolaritajiet finanzjarji fil-bini ta’ pixxina ta’ daqs Olimpiku u ċentru akkwatiku fir-Rabat, Għawdex. F’rikors fil-qorti, Azzopardi sostna li l-proġett, inizjalment mistenni li jiġi jiswa €9 miljun, żdied għal aktar minn €17-il miljun minħabba ġestjoni ħażina intenzjonata mmirata biex iddevja fondi pubbliċi għal gwadann personali. Huwa akkuża lil dawk involuti li użaw tattiċi li jixbhu lill-Mafja Taljana biex itellfu fondi u enfasizza l-użu ta’ konkos li ġej minn impjant ta’ batching illegali. Ir-rikors li fih 82 paġna jimplika wkoll lis-Segretarju permanenti għal Għawdex John Borg u jitlob li ssir investigazzjoni dwar reati potenzjali, fosthom korruzzjoni, abbuż ta’ kariga pubblika, frodi, u ħasil ta’ flus. Azzopardi semma rapporti minn Times of Malta, The Shift, u Malta Today biex isostni t-talbiet tiegħu, u ddikjara li kien hemm “suspett raġonevoli” ta’ sforzi intenzjonati biex jintefqu l-ispejjeż. Huwa staqsa x’kienu l-motivazzjonijiet wara l-irduppjar tan-nefqa tal-proġett u sostna li l-pubbliku ħaqqu jkun jaf min kien responsabbli. “Qed jipprovaw iħammġuni b’kull mezz u b’kull għodda” – CamilleriIl-Ministru Clint Camilleri ċaħad kull aġir ħażin, u ċaħad l-allegazzjonijiet bħala “persekuzzjoni politika”, hekk kif akkuża lil Azzopardi li xerred misinformazzjoni u li “qed jipprovaw iħammġuni b’kull mezz u b’kull għodda.” Camilleri spjega li d-€9 miljun ikkwotati minn Azzopardi kienu jirrappreżentaw wieħed biss minn seba’ tenders li ngħataw għall-proġett. Dawn kienu jinkludu kuntratti għal tħaffir, xogħlijiet mekkaniċi u elettriċi, finituri, u komponenti oħra, li kollha ġew offerti pubblikament u mogħtija lill-orħos offerenti permezz tas-sistema eTenders. “Dażgur li ġie jiswa aktar. Dan proġett li kważi lest. Id-€9 miljun li ġie kwotat huwa tender wieħed (1) biss tal-kostruzzjoni, tender wieħed minn sebgħa (7). Qed jiġu injorati għal kollox is-sitt (6) tenders l-oħra kollha marbuta mat-tlestija ta’ dan il-proġett.” Kompla li jinsab “infurmat li dawn it-tenders kollha ġew ippubblikati fuq is-sistema pubblika u miftuħa tal-etenders, fejn seta’ faċilment tefa’ offerta kull kuntrattur interessat u infurmat ukoll li fil-każijiet kollha ġew awarded lill-orħos offerent li kien teknikament kompatibbli mat-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet tas-sejħa”. Camilleri żied li l-proġett, oriġinarjament maħsub biex jitlesta fl-2023, kien maħsub biex jospita kompetizzjonijiet tal-waterpolo u sports akkwatiċi oħra. Hu qal li “din tkompli mat-tixrid ta’ misinformazzioni li ngħatat ukoll fuq Triq l-Imġarr u Triq Sant’Antnin bejn in-Nadur u Għajnsielem. Qalu li l-proġett ġie jiswa d-doppju allura skont huma hemm it-taħwid. Dan mhu veru xejn u ma ħareġ xejn f’dan ir-rigward fl-ikkwotat rapport.” Din hija t-tielet talba ta’ inkjesta li għamel Azzopardi kontra Camilleri. Applikazzjonijiet preċedenti kienu mmirati għal spejjeż żejda fuq proġett ta’ triq f’Għawdex u allegata korruzzjoni li tinvolvi Transport Malta. Azzopardi fetaħ ukoll inkjesti dwar il-ġid mhux spjegat tal-Ministru tal-Ekonomija Silvio Schembri u każijiet oħra ta’ allegata mġiba ħażina tal-Gvern. Filwaqt li Azzopardi b’suċċess qajjem inkjesti fil-passat, inkluża l-investigazzjoni dwar l-iskandlu tal-isptarijiet Vitals-Steward, il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela ikkritika din il-prattika, u sostna li din tippermetti lill-atturi politiċi jabbużaw mis-sistema u jissuġġettaw inġustament lill-individwi għal skrutinju legali. Abela wiegħed li se jirriforma l-proċess biex jintalbu inkjesti maġisterjali biex jiġi evitat dan l-użu ħażin u esprima appoġġ sħiħ għal Camilleri, u sejjaħ l-akkużi bla bażi. Il-Ministru tal-Ġustizzja Jonathan Attard diġà ressaq mozzjoni fil-Parlament biex jiġi emendat il-Kodiċi Kriminali, bil-għan li tirregola kif iċ-ċittadini jistgħu jitolbu investigazzjonijiet biex jipprevjenu talbiet frivoli.
Met Office issues yellow weather warning as storm sweeps over Malta Rest of the week will bring stormy conditions, with thundery showers forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday
14 January 2025, by Karl Azzopardi
On Wednesday winds are expected to reach Force 5 to 6 (File photo: MET Office) The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning as rain and winds continue to batter the Maltese islands on Tuesday evening. The Met Office has warned of occasional isolated thundery showers expected to affect parts of the country. The rest of the week will bring stormy conditions, with thundery showers forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday. Seven day weather forecast for Tuesday. On Wednesday, winds are expected to reach Force 5 to 6 before easing to Force 4 to 3. Temperatures are predicted to peak at 15°C, with lows around 10°C. Thursday is likely to see mainly isolated showers, but winds will increase from Force 2 to 3 to Force 4 to 5 by the evening. Friday is forecast to be windy with isolated showers and slightly warmer temperatures, reaching a high of 17°C and a low of 13°C. Winds are set to remain at Force 5 to 6 early in the day before dropping to Force 4 to 5. Conditions are expected to stabilise over the weekend, with cloudy skies forecast for both Saturday and Sunday. www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/133146/met_office_issues_yellow_weather_warning_as_storm_sweeps_over_malta_
Il-Prim Ministru jżur żewġ postijiet ta’ negozju waqt żjara f’Għawdex 11 ta' Jannar 2025
Read in English Fi żjara li għamel fil-gżira Għawdxija, il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela żar żewġ postijiet ta’ negozju li komplew jimirħu wara appoġġ li rċevew. Jakkumpanjaw lill-Prim Ministru fi żjara f’David’s Bakery f’Kerċem u fir-razzett tal-baqar ta’ Krispinu (Krispinu Farm) f’Ta’ Sannat kien hemm il-Ministru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar Clint Camilleri u l-Ministru għall-Agrikoltura, is-Sajd u d-Drittijiet tal-Annimali Anton Refalo. F’David’s Bakery, il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela nnota r-reżiljenza ta’ negozju tal-familja li llum iħaddem 85 ruħ full-time. Ġie spjegat li din il-kumpanija Għawdxija toffri prodotti lokali u kibret fl-industrija marbuta mal-produzzjoni tal-ħobż. Intqal kif il-kumpanija dejjem qed tkun aktar dinamika u toffri fis-suq prodotti differenti għall-konsumaturi. Il-Ministru Clint Camilleri fisser l-eżempju ta’ din il-kumpanija bħala wieħed eċċellenti li jiddeskrivi l-bżulija tan-negozju Għawdxi li jegħleb sfidi oħra, fosthom l-insularità. Fiż-żjara fir-Razzett Ta’ Krispinu, ġie spjegat lill-Prim Ministru li dan ir-razzett qed jilqa’ fiha taħriġ fil-qasam tar-raħħala lil bosta żgħażagħ li jistgħu jkomplu jaħdmu fis-settur tant importanti għas-soċjetà. Ġie nnutat li dan ir-razzett gawda minn fondi pubbliċi u Ewropej taħt skemi favur l-innovazzjoni fl-operat ta’ dan ir-razzett. L-operaturi ta’ Krispinu Farm spjegaw ukoll kif waqt pandemija rċevew l-appoġġ meħtieġ biex ġie sostnut l-operat tal-produzzjoni minkejja sfidi mhux żgħar. Il-Ministru Anton Refalo sostna li l-għajnuna finanzjarja li ngħataw il-bdiewa u r-raħħala f’dawn l-aħħar snin irriżultat f’iżjed ħidma u suċċess għalihom stess, filwaqt li komplejna niżguraw l-aqwa produzzjoni ta’ prodotti lokali għall-konsumatur Malti u Għawdxi.
Il-Kamra tal-Kummerċ Għawdxija trid trasport alternattiv f’każ ta’ emerġenza f’Għawdex Minn Ilona Sciberras
11 ta' Jannar 2025
Ritratt: Kamra tan-Negozju Għawdxija (GBC) Il-President tal-Kamra tal-Kummerċ Għawdxija, Michael Galea, qal li Għawdex għandu bżonn pjanijiet fit-tul kemm għall-Port tal-Imġarr kif ukoll għal pjanijiet alternattivi ta’ mezzi tat-trasport f’każ ta’ emerġenza. Waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-25 sena mit-twaqqif tal-Kamra tal-Kummerċ fl-10 ta’ Jannar, Galea tkellem dwar il-ħtieġa għat-titjib tal-konnettività, u l-avvanz tal-port u l-faċilitajiet tiegħu. “Jekk il-Gozo Channel mhux se tagħraf il-ħtieġa għall-investiment u żżid il-flotta, se nissiguraw li nipperikolaw setturi bħat-turiżmu, il-manifattura u l-kummerċ, u ma nkunux nistgħu nħarsu ‘l quddiem biex jikbru aktar,” żied jgħid Galea. Il-President tal-Kamra semma wkoll li d-diversifikazzjoni tal-ekonomija għandha tixħet aktar attenzjoni fuq id-diġitalizzazzjoni, l-ekonomija l-ħadra u l-edukazzjoni. Ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu, Galea tkellem ma’ Newsbook Malta u qal li l-awtonomija reġjonali tista’ tkun iċ-ċavetta għal din il-viżjoni. Għawdxin isostnu li jridu l-awtonomija għax “huma jafu x’inhuma l-ħtiġijiet tagħhom” Rigward l-ambjent, Galea qal li l-Kamra tal-Kummerċ trid “aktar kontrolli fuq ir-rata li biha qed tikber l-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni u qed isejjaħ għall-prattiċi fejn l-iżvilupp ikun aktar sostenibbli.” Il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Kamra, Daniel Borg, tkellem ħafna dwar l-importanza tal-awtonomija għal Għawdex. Qal li “qegħdin fi stadju li lħaqna l-livell ta’ maturità biex Għawdex ikun reġjun awtonomu li, filwaqt li ma jinqatax mill-istituzzjonijiet nazzjonali, jiddeċiedi hu dawk li għandhom ikunu l-prijoritajiet għal Għawdex.” Borg irrimarka li minkejja l-qbil minn kull naħa fuq ir-reġjonalità, qal li “jidher li hemm nuqqas ta’ qbil fuq il-forma ta’ kif trid tiġi implimentata.” Għaldaqstant, sostna li r-reġjonalità m’għandhiex tispiċċa ballun politiku, iżda tixpruna djalogu politiku onest, trasparenti u sinċier li jħares lejn l-aspirazzjonijiet tal-komunità Għawdxija. Finalment, Borg tkellem fuq l-irwol tal-Kamra, u qal li l-eżistenza kontinwa tal-kamra ma tistax tittieħed benfatt u teħtieġ il-kollaborazzjoni ta’ kulħadd. Madankollu, spjega wkoll li din laħqet il-maturità tagħha u wasal iż-żmien biex timxi minn entità mhux governattiva tgħaddi għal istituzzjoni rikonoxxuta b’liġi li tassigura wkoll l-indipendenza tagħha. Waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni, ġie mniedi l-ktieb mill-pinna ta’ Michael Refalo, The Way Ahead, The Gozo Business Chamber in the Light of Gozo’s Recent History. Dan jindirizza l-istorja ekonomika ta’ Għawdex u l-kontribut tal-Kamra tan-Negozju għal Għawdex lill-ekonomija u l-komunità Għawdxija.
L-avveniment kien indirizzat ukoll mill-Prim Ministru Robert Abela, mill-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Bernard Grech u l-Ministru għal Għawdex Clint Camilleri, fost oħrajn. Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela qal li l-Kamra tal-Kummerċ tul dawn il-25 sena kienet “attur favur bidla pożittiva” mil-lat strateġiku u kienet vuċi impotanti għall-Gvern fuq Għawdex. Qal ukoll li l-Gvern huwa determinat li jindirizza l-kwistjoni tal-insularità doppja u l-aċċessibilità. Abela sostna li l-Gvern ħares aktar lejn il-futur bl-Awtorità għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali ta’ Għawdex, il-GRDA, “Għall-ewwel darba l-Għawdxin għandhom vuċi u kontroll fuq deċiżjonijiet li qabel kienu jittieħdu banda oħra u imposti fuqhom.” Madankollu, ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu, Mario Borg f’isem l-entità msemmija (GRDA) qal lil Newsbook Malta li ma ssirx biżżejjed diskussjoni “fuq aspetti importanti għall-iżvilupp ta’ Għawdex”. Terġa’ u tgħid, l-Eks Sindku Laburista u kunsiller tax-Xagħra Christian Zammit qal li hemm bżonn aktar sinġerija bejn il-GRDA u l-entitajiet u l-kumitati li diġà hemm. Il-Kamra twaqqfet fl-20 ta’ Diċembru 1999 permezz tal-att pubbliku, u l-avveniment serva bħala punt ta’ riflessjoni fuq l-irwol tagħha fir-reġjun. newsbook.com.mt/il-kamra-tal-kummerc-ghawdxija-trid-trasport-alternattiv-fkaz-ta-emergenza-fghawdex/
Will Chris Said contest next election? MP mum on political future Following media reports he will not be contesting the next election, Chris Said says when he makes the decision on his future he will make it public himself
10 January 2025, by Paul Cocks
PN MP Chris Said
Mystery surrounds claims that veteran Gozo Nationalist MP Chris Said will not contest the next general election, with the MP refusing to confirm or deny the media reports. On Saturday, The Malta Independent reported that Said announced he will not run in the next election, while addressing a PN activitity at the PN club in Sannat.
But in today’s edition of GozoToday, the PN MP refused to confirm his intentions. “I do not know why The Independent reported what it did,” he said. “When I make a decision on my future, I will make it public myself.” Said said that the next election was still two years away and he was focusing on continuing his work within the party and his constituency. Said was elected to parliament in 2008 and he went on to serve as parliamentary secretary and later as justice minister. He recently said that the Ministry for Gozo should be retained but proposed an ad-hoc council for Gozo with executive powers which would function as the principal decision-maker of the island. He made it clear that this power-sharing proposal was strictly his, and not the PN’s. Political career Chris Said, a lawyer by profession, was born on 10 July in 1970 in Nadur, Gozo. He was a mayor of his home town for several years. His brothers Charles and Edward also occupied the position. Said was first elected to parliament in 2008 and was appointed parliamentary secretary for public dialogue and information in the Office of the Prime Minister by Lawrence Gonzi. In Spectember 2010, he resigned his post following accusations of perjury. A month later, his name was cleared of all accusations In January 2012, following the resignation of Carm Mifsud Bonnici from minister, Said was appointed justice and family minister. After the PN lost the 2013 elections, Said was elected party secretary general. He did not contest the post again in 2015 at the behest of party leader Simon Busttil in order to focus on Gozo for the upcoming election. After the party’s defeat in the 2017 general election, Said contested the party leadership election and ended in second place behind Adrian Delia. The latter selected Said to shadow the Gozo and constitutional reforms portfolios. Said was elected again on the Gozo district in the 2022 general election but his performance was eclipsed by newcomer Alex Borg, who received the second highest first count votes after Labour’s Clint Camilleri. www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/133081/will_chris_said_contest_next_election_mp_mum_on_political_future
Il-PM jinawgura CT Scanner fl-Isptar Ġenerali ta’ Għawdex 10 ta' Jannar 2025
Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela inawgura apparat mediku ġdid fl-Isptar Ġenerali ta’ Għawdex. Fi stqarrija l-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru qal li l-investiment sar fi state-of-the-art CT Scanner li hu biss it-12-il apparat innovattiv li jinsab fl-Ewropa. Intqal, li l-apparat juża anki l-intelliġenza artifiċjali u allura hu aktar preċiż fid-dijanjosi. Is-CT Scanner jingħaqad ma’ apparat mediku ieħor fil-qasam tar-radjografija fosthom MRI u ultrasound ġdid. Il-Ministru għas-Saħħa u l-Anzjanità Attiva Jo Etienne Abela ġie kkwotat jgħid li b’dan is-CT scanner ġdid l-Isptar Ġenerali t’Għawdex issa għandu kullana ta’ tagħmir modern li joffri servizz t’eċċellenza. Intqal, li fix-xhur li ġejjin se jkunu introdotti servizzi oħra fil-qasam tar-radjografija biex tissaħħaħ il-kura tas-saħħa f’Għawdex. Intant, Dr Abela żar ukoll il-proġett ta’ sistema ta’ Park & Ride f’Ta’ Xħajma, fil-limiti tax-Xewkija fejn qed jingħata servizz lill-Għawdxin li jaqsmu l-fliegu u jħallu l-vettura tagħhom f’dan il-post qabel jitwasslu lejn il-Port tal-Imġarr. Is-sit ġie riġenerat minn art li kienet tintuża għar-rimi illegali ta’ skart għal faċilità tat-trasport b’mod sostenibbli li fih għanijiet ambjentali u jgħin fl-amministrar aħjar tat-traffiku. Il-proġett ta’ 24,000 metru kwadru jiflaħ għall-parkeġġ ta’ 300 vettura u fih hemm ukoll charging points għall-vetturi elettriċi. Il-Ministru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar Clint Camilleri ġie kkwotat jgħid li l-proġett b’terminal modern u faċilitajiet oħra hu moqdi wkoll b’servizz ta’ sitt karozzi tal-linja elettriċi li jwasslu lin-nies b’sistema ta’ Park & Ride. tvmnews.mt/news/il-pm-jinawgura-ct-scanner-fl-isptar-generali-ta-ghawdex/
Filmat: Nies evakwati f’Għawdex minħabba krejn maħkum mir-riħ Minn Luke Vella
Hekk kif matul il-ħin ir-riħ jidher li kompla jaħkem il-Gżejjer Maltin, bosta persuni ġew evakwati minn Triq Fortunato Mizzi minħabba periklu potenzjali kkawżat minn forza tar-riħ fuq krejn. Sorsi qalu ma’ Newsbook Malta li t-tower crane jidher li nħakem sewwa mir-riħ hekk kif partijiet minnu jidhru li qed jitgħawġu. Bosta persuni dehru li qed jiġu evakwati minn fuq il-post minħabba l-periklu u bħala prekawzjoni. Għaldaqstant il-Pulizija kkonfermat ma’ din il-kamra tal-aħbarijiet li fuq il-post intbagħtu uffiċjali, u li t-toroq ġew magħluqa sabiex tiġi mħarsa s-sigurtà. F’filmat li ntbagħat lil dan is-sit, jidher li bdiet il-ħidma sabiex il-krejn jiġi żarmat sabiex jitneħħa l-periklu li seta’ ħalla riżultati koroh. newsbook.com.mt/filmat-nies-evakwati-fghawdex-minhabba-krejn-mahkum-mir-rih/
28 sena ħabs talli ppruvat toqtol sid ta’ ħanut tad-deheb fiż-Żurrieq Minn Gaetano Micallef 9 ta' Jannar 2025
Read in English Waħda mit-3 persuni li tressqu fil-Qorti mixlijin bl-attentat ta’ qtil ta’ sid ta’ ħanut tad-deheb fiż-Żurrieq ammettiet u kienet ikkundannata 28 sena ħabs. Donna Borg Sciberras u żewġt irġiel Marokkini, Zaouhair Hadoumi u Mohamed Anas Boualam, kienu tressqu fil-Qorti b’rabta mal-attentat ta’ serq mill-ħanut tad-deheb “Carabott Jewellers” li jinsab fi Triq Dun Ġużepp Żammit. Fis-serqa, li seħħet fil-25 ta’ Awwissu 2023, sid il-ħanut – Joseph Carabott ta’ 67 sena – kien ġie aggredit b’mod vjolenti tant li sofra ġrieħi serji. Sciberras iddeċidiet li tammetti għall-akkużi miġjuba kontriha fil-Qorti Kriminali wara qbil bejn id-difiża u l-Uffiċċju tal-Avukat Ġenerali li qablu mal-piena. L-Imħallef Neville Camilleri laqa’ il-qbil u minbarra li kkundannaha 28 sena ħabs ordna l-konfiska ta’ €250 f’depożitu u €10,000 f’garanzija personali li fuqhom kienet ingħatat il-ħelsien mill-arrest fuq każ ieħor. Huwa ordnalha wkoll tħallas terz tal-ispejjeż tal-esperti, biex b’kollox Sciberras trid tħallas €12,979, kif ukoll ħareġ ordni ta’ protezzjoni għal 5 snin favur Carabott u ordnalha tagħtih €8,000 tal-ġrieħi li kkaġunatlu. tvmnews.mt/news/28-sena-habs-talli-ppruvat-toqtol-sid-ta-hanut-tad-deheb-fiz-zurrieq/
Confidential police email found in exchange between Keith Schembri and Yorgen Fenech Police email sent to Police Commissioner and a representative at the Maltese Embassy in Rome ended up in Keith Schembri's possession, and was shared with Yorgen Fenech • Email contained information on the arrest of two Maltese men in Sicily
9 January 2025, by Thomas Cilia
Photo: James Bianchi/MediaToday
Former chief-of-staff Keith Schembri was in possession of a confidential police email found in a WhatsApp conversation between himself and Yorgen Fenech, a court was told on Thursday morning. Schembri appeared in Court as he faces charges relating to leaks surrounding the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder investigation. He stands accused of perjury and breaching the Official Secrets Act. The case, which was set to begin in November of last year, was reassigned to Magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit after Magistrate Gianella Camilleri Busuttil had recused herself. Schembri pleaded not guilty to all charges. Before witness testimony could be heard, defence lawyers representing Schembri argued that they had not been given full disclosure by the police. Although Inspector Shaun Friggieri stated that the defence had been provided with all documents available, lawyer Edward Gatt held that whilst their client had been questioned and interrogated by police, they were not given all documents related to the case. Gatt contended that the defence must have full disclosure so that cross-examinations could be conducted. Inspector Friggieri eventually took to the witness stand, listing the witnesses set to testify. Off-hand, he could recall statements from Yorgen Fenech, Melvin Theuma, Kenneth Camilleri and several police officers. Police inspector Brian Paul Camilleri from the FCID also testified, noting that he had taken three statements from Keith Schembri. He further referred to a police email found in a WhatsApp exchange between Schembri and Fenech. The email, which had been sent to various individuals, excluding Schembri, concerned the arrest of two Maltese men in Sicily. Schembri, who had been questioned by Camilleri in this regard, said that Fenech had asked him where the case arrived. Camilleri recalled that he had been told by the former Chief of Staff that he had sent it to Fenech to inform him that a ‘solution was found’ since the latter was on contact with their families. Superintendent Chris Galea Scannura also took to the stand. When shown a copy of the WhatsApp exchange between Schembri and Fenech, he confirmed that one of the messages contained his email. Galea Scannura further confirmed that he had sent the email to a number of persons, including the Police Commissioner and a representative at the Maltese Embassy in Rome. Schembri, however, was not copied in, with the email not being sent to any private individuals. Gatt asked whether he spoke to the recipients and asked them if they had disclosed it to which Galea Scannura replied that he would have spoken to them asking to take immediate action on the contents but not investigate the leaks. The case will resume on 31 January. Superintendent Hubert Cini and inspector Shaun Friggieri led the prosecution. Lawyers Edward Gatt and Mark Vassallo assisted Schembri. Lawyers Jason Azzopardi and Therese Comodini Cachia appeared as parte civile. www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/court_and_police/133077/confidential_police_email_found_in_exchange_between_keith_schembri_and_yorgen_fenech
Pair charged after series of robberies from victims who reported blacking out Pair remanded in custody after being charged with various ‘blackout’ robberies • One victim told police he blacked out in Paceville and found himself being dragged out of a van in Marsa
8 January 2025, by Thomas Cilia
Paceville (File photo)
Two men were remanded in custody after being charged with a plethora of offences, including multiple counts of theft and illegally detaining persons against their will. Masab Kanan, a 24-year-old Syrian, and Mohamed Mustafa Abdalla Almagbri, a 30-year-old Libyan, both pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against them. Almagbri was also charged with recidivism and possession of methamphetamine. The Prosecution recalled that on 23 December of last year, the Police had received information regarding a theft which had taken place in Paceville. The victim explained that whilst he was in the vicinity of Pender Gardens, he was approached by two persons. Although he did not remember much of what ensued inasmuch as he had suffered a blackout, he noted that he had woken up inside of a van. After another blackout, he found himself being dragged outside of the van in Marsa. It was revealed that a number of transactions had taken place from his Revolut account. These included the withdrawal of €1,000 from a Paceville ATM as well as a transfer of €2,200 to a woman living in Gozo. The Prosecution further recalled that on 3 January, the police received a ‘very similar’ report, in which the alleged victim claimed that he was robbed. He stated that he met two individuals who offered him a drink and a cigarette whilst at a bar in Paceville. He further noted that although he blacked out and thus could not remember much, he could recall finding himself in a desolate place in Pembroke. An analysis of CCTV footage revealed that the perpetrators in this case were the same perpetrators involved in the previous incident. The Court was further informed that another three reports had been identified whereby individuals claimed that they were approached by two men before blacking out and discovering missing items. A search subsequently took place at a hotel room where the accused men had allegedly been residing, with the Police finding a number of items related to the thefts, including a valuable watch belonging to the alleged victim of the December 23 theft. Inspector Lydon Zammit informed the Court that investigations regarding other cases connected to the accused are also underway. Defence lawyers indicated that no request for bail was to be made at this stage. The Prosecution was led by Insepctors Lydon Zammit and Stephen Gulia, assisted by Lawyers Justine Brincat and Martina Calleja from the Office of the Attorney General. Kanan was represented by lawyer Nicholas Mifsud. Almagbri was represented by lawyers Franco Debono and Adreana Zammit. www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/court_and_police/133072/pair_charged_after_series_of_robberies_from_victims_who_reported_blacking_out_
Updated | Man, 25, dies after car smashes into tree, metal signpost 25-year-old Alejandro Brincat from Mtarfa identified as the victim of 2025’s first road fatality on Monday night
7 January 2025, by Kurt Sansone
The car smashed into a tree and ended up against a metal signpost (Inset: Alejandro Brincat)
25-year-old Alejandro Brincat from Mtarfa has been identified as the victim of 2025’s first road fatality on Monday night. The police said in a statement the accident happened at around 9:20pm in Triq l-Mdina, Attard. Preliminary investigations showed the victim, who was driving a Mercedes car, lost control of the vehicle and slammed into a tree. The vehicle was stopped by a steel structure. (Photo: Malta Police)Teams from the Civil Protection Department and Mater Dei Hospital rushed to the scene, but the victim was certified dead at the site of the accident. Police closed off the inner lanes as CPD personnel extracted the driver from the vehicle. This is the first road fatality of the year. Magistrate Ian Farrugia is holding an inquiry while police investigations are ongoing. On Tuesday, GasanZammit Motors Ltd paid tribute to Brincat who was an employee, as they said he will always be remembered as a "joyful and bright young man." www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/court_and_police/133049/man_25_dies_after_car_smashes_into_tree_metal_signpost1
President calls for electoral reforms that end political duopoly Speaking on TVM's Xtra, President Myriam Spiteri Debono stated that small parties need to find common ground if they want to succeed, saying they are currently fragmented
6 January 2025, by Matthew Farrugia
'The people have already shown us that they’re ready to sit out elections last June' (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday) It’s time for Malta’s electoral laws to make space for small parties, or risk having an ever-growing chunk of the electorate become apathetic, President Myriam Spiteri Debono stated. On TVM’s Xtra on Monday, the show’s host Saviour Balzan quizzed the President on a number of statements she made in speeches in less than a year since taking office. When asked to explain why she had mentioned electoral legislation, Spiteri Debono said that she had been speaking about the need for parties in parliament since the 1990s. “The people have already shown us that they’re ready to sit out elections last June,” she said referring to the MEP and local council elections. “Are we really going to cling on to the same system when the people are showing us that they’re prepared to stay at home during elections?” Commenting on the current electoral system, Spiteri Debono spoke with frustration about the fact that as of right now, third parties can only be elected in theory. Here she called on those who aspire to enter politics under a new banner to stick together and find common ground. When she was directly asked by Balzan whether she believes the current players are fragmented, the President said yes. The President also discussed the importance of better party financing laws, noting that there are “perceptions that political parties have certain obligations,” to which Balzan said “there’s a perception that the parties are bought.” Spiteri Debono called on reducing these “obligations.” She further spoke about the prevalence of MPs being paid for sitting on government boards, and how this is necessary because they are not currently being paid enough. “Sometimes I feel like we’ve built the parliament building alone. We cannot move forward with just a building,” she stated, referring to the lack of proper parliamentary structures and systems. Meanwhile, President Spiteri Debono was also asked on the upcoming discussion on euthanasia. She noted that the discussion on this sensitive topic should be profound, adding that during this discussion, the exact type of euthanasia that could be introduced should be defined. Pairing euthanasia with abortion, she said that a referendum on each issue would be the best tool to decide a way forward on the controversial subjects. On the Malta Community Chest Fund (MCCF), which Spiteri Debono described as "the national charity," she noted that its original purpose was to give aid for a number of social problems, but by time, it was "engulfed" by the need for oncology treatment. When asked whether she's eyeing more changes to the MCCF, the President said that there was a time when NGOs would approach the fund for help in rolling out projects, adding that the time has come to revisit this concept. Finally, the President was asked about her relationship with the Prime Minister and opposition leader. She explained that while her relationship with them is good, "it can always be better," adding that she meets with them regularly, and that there are things which she needs to iron out with both of them. www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/xtra/133046/president_calls_for_electoral_reforms_that_end_political_duopoly
20 ruħ jinqabdu jgħixu f’Għawdex illegalment 6 ta' Jannar 2025
Għoxrin persuna oħra ġew arrestati mill-Pulizija waqt spezzjonijiet li saru llum dwar l-immigrazzjoni irregolari f’Għawdex.
Il-Pulizija qalet li l-persuni mill-Ghana, l-Etjopja, is-Sirja u n-Niġerja nstabu jgħixu f’diversi lokalitajiet f’Għawdex fosthom fir-Rabat, Marsalforn, il-Fontana u x-Xlendi. Il-Pulizija wettqet l-ispezzjonijiet mal-Aġenzija għas-Servizzi ta’ Detenzjoni.
Huma nġiebu Malta fejn qed jinżammu f’ċentru ta’ detenzjoni sakemm jitlesta l-proċess biex jintbagħtu lura.
Għaddejja investigazzjoni dwar iż-żamma tal-annimali perikolużi fin-Naxxar
Minn Luke Vella
6 ta' Jannar 2025
Id-Direttorat dwar ir-Regolamentazzjoni Veterinarja (VRD) fi ħdan il-Ministeru għad-Drittijiet tal-Annimali tinsab għaddejja b’investigazzjoni, b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Pulizija, il-każ li jinvolvi annimali perikolużi f’razzett fil-limiti tan-Naxxar wara rapport li wasal lill-awtoritajiet fejn diversi individwi ġew interrogati b’rabta mal-każ. Dan wara li fl-aħħar jum tas-sena li għaddiet, uffiċjali tal-Gvern u l-Pulizija kellhom jintervjenu wara li attivisti li jaħdmu favur id-drittijiet tal-annimali rrapportaw li erba’ ljuni u pantera qed jinżammu illegalment fil-limiti tan-Naxxar. Il-każ inizjalment beda fuq rapport li kien jikkonċerna ljun li kien qed jinżamm f’kundizzjonijiet ħżiena ġo gaġġa. Għaldaqstant, fi stqarrija, il-VRD qalet li s-sejbiet inizjali jindikaw li l-post fejn qegħdin l-annimali mhuwiex reġistrat skont il-Leġislazzjoni Sussidjarja 439.19, liema regolamenti jistabbilixxu l-proċeduri għar-reġistrazzjoni ta’ annimali perikolużi u l-frieħ tagħhom, trasferimenti, ir-reġistrazzjoni tal-persuna li żżomm annimali perikolużi kif ukoll iż-żamma xierqa tagħhom. Il-leġislazzjoni tinnota li annimal perikoluż għandu jinżamm f’post adegwat u sigur li jirrispetta r-rekwiżiti kollha tiegħu li jinkludu s-saħħa, l-indafa u l-mikroklima meħtieġa għall-benesseri tal-istess annimal. 4 iljuni u pantera qed jinżammu f’kundizzjonijiet ħżiena fin-Naxxar Id-Direttorat sostna li se tkun qed tittieħed azzjoni legali kontra l-allegati persuni responsabbli skont l-Att dwar is-Servizzi Veterinarji u l-Att dwar it-Trattament Xieraq tal-Annimali. L-annimali identifikati fir-razzett jinkludu erba’ ljuni u pantera, liema annimali huma klassifikati bħala annimali perikolużi taħt Skeda B ta’ LS 439.19. Professjonisti veterinarji mill-VRD spezzjonaw il-bini u evalwaw is-saħħa u l-kundizzjonijiet tal-għajxien tal-annimali. Minkejja li rriżulta li l-annimali jinsabu f’kundizzjoni fiżika tajba, iljun minnhom qed jindika li għandu kundizzjoni ortopedika li teħtieġ aktar attenzjoni. Huwa komplew li s-sit bħalissa qed jiġi mmonitorjat biex jiġi żgurat li l-annimali jibqgħu siguri u ma jkunux ta’ theddida għas-sigurtà pubblika filwaqt li jkunu mitmugħa u miżmuma f’ambjent nadif sabiex jissodisfa l-ħtiġijiet bażiċi tagħhom. Il-VRD qed tesplora diversi għażliet, inkluż ir-rilokazzjoni tal-annimali f’faċilitajiet xierqa li jissodisfaw l-istandards kollha ta’ benesseri u sigurtà. Dan għaliex minħabba nuqqas ta’ faċilitajiet u riżorsi, il-Gvern ma għandu l-ebda alternattiva fejn dawn l-annimali eżotiċi jistgħu jinżammu. F’vidjo li kien sar mill-NGO li wasslet għal din l-operazzjoni, Vuċi għall-Annimali, intqal li “l-annimali se jkunu qed jorqdu f’dawn il-kundizzjonijiet għax il-Gvern m’għandux soluzzjoni alternattiva għall-annimali kbar f’Malta”. F’Awwissu li għadda, id-direttur tal-VRD Paul Portelli kkonferma ma’ Newsbook Malta li meta annimali kbar jiġu kkonfiskati, dawn ikollhom jibqgħu fuq is-sit ma’ dak li jieħu ħsieb iż-zoo taħt ir-responsabilità tad-direttur. Sussegwentement, l-annimali jiġu rilokati f’zoo ieħor f’Malta jew barra, bl-ispejjeż li jrid jagħmel tajjeb għalihom is-sid. newsbook.com.mt/ghaddejja-investigazzjoni-dwar-iz-zamma-tal-annimali-perikoluzi-fin-naxxar/
Il-Kardinal Grech: “It-titli huma duħħan li jimlewlna rasna” Minn Andrea Rossitto 4 ta' Jannar 2025
Ara il film hawn: tvmnews.mt/news/il-kardinal-grech-it-titli-huma-duhhan-li-jimlewlna-rasna/ Il-Kardinal Mario Grech stqarr li l-Knisja trid tisma’ lil kulħadd. Żied jgħid li dan id-diskors hu rifless fil-bidla li sejjaħ “kbira” li għamel il-Papa Franġisku meta ddikjara li s-Sinodu m’għadux tal-Isqfijiet imma tal-Knisja kollha kemm hi. Fit-tieni parti ta’ intervista li ta lil TVMnews, Monsinjur Grech wieġeb għal domandi dwar l-irwol ta’ Kardinal u x’inhu s-sinifikat vera li għandha Sena ta’ Ġublew. Dan hu l-Ġublew li nerġgħu niltaqgħu ma’ Ġesù Kristu u jagħtina ftit nifs ħalli nkomplu bil-ħajja tagħna. Il-Kardinal Mario GrechHekk stqarr il-Kardinal Mario Grech għad-domanda ta’ TVMnews dwar x’differenza għandha tagħmel is-Sena tal-Ġublew fil-ħajja tan-Nisrani. Intervistat fl-aħħar jiem tas-sena f’Għawdex, il-Kardinal Grech qal li s-Sena tal-Ġublew tippreżenta stedina għal-laqgħa ma’ Ġesù li hu t-tama tan-Nisrani. Il-Ġublej hi tradizzjoni antika fil-Knisja, iċċelebrat minn tal-anqas kull 25 sena. Ġieli nara ritratti serbut ta’ nies diħlin. Min bil-mobile jieħu ritratt. Ngħid din kummiedja? Għax mhux li tgħaddi mill-bieb imma b’liema spirtu tidħol ġo fih. Il-bieb hu simbolu li int qed tiltaqa’ ma’ Ġesù Kristu. U għidli int fid-dinja bħalissa x’għandna bżonn? Gwerer, kunflitti, faqar. Għandna bżonn injezzjoni biex ma nitilfux it-tama. Il-Kardinal Mario GrechIl-ħajja, qalilna, hi skola kontinwa. Definizzjoni li togħġobni ħafna dwar il-Knisja u dwarna hi li aħna bnedmin li għadna mhux kompluti. Trid tkun miftuħ ħalli titgħallem u jekk hemm bżonn tikkoreġi lilek innifsek. Il-Kardinal Mario GrechDwar ir-responsabilitajiet li għandu bħala Kardinal, stqarr li l-Ministeru tiegħu jpoġġih f’kuntatt mal-Isqfijiet u d-djoċesijiet tad-dinja kollha. Jenfasizza l-bżonn li jżomm kuntatt man-nies. Nipprova kull meta jkolli stedina biex immur f’xi parroċċa nilqagħha b’idejja miftuħa. Tagħtini l-okkażjoni biex niltaqa’ mal-poplu t’Alla. Il-Kardinal Mario GrechJiftakar qisu lbieraħ meta l-Papa ċempillu biex iħalli kollox u jitla’ ħdejh. “Għandi bżonn inkellmek ejja sa Ruma” qalli issa trid tibda tagħmel l-esperjenza ta’ emigrant. It-titli huma duħħan li jimlewlna rasna. Il-Kardinal Mario GrechL-intervista mal-Kardinal Mario Grech se tixxandar sħiħa l-Ħadd fil-5.15pm fuq TVM+, u tiġi mtennija fuq l-istess stazzjon it-Tnejn fit-3.15pm. Erġa’ ara l-ewwel parti tal-intervista mal-Kardinal Grech:
17 Black: From Daphne’s cryptic post to criminal charges Next month marks eight years since Daphne Caruana Galizia put up a cryptic message on her blog flagging, for the first time, 17 Black. Kurt Sansone pieces together the story of this mysterious company as the next chapter in this saga is expected to play out in court after the conclusion of a magisterial inquiry that has recommended criminal action against five people, including Keith Schembri, Konrad Mizzi and Yorgen Fenech
5 January 2025, by Kurt Sansone
Sources have confirmed that the magistrate has recommended criminal action be taken against Keith Schembri, Konrad Mizzi, Yorgen Fenech, Mario Pullicino and another owner of the Electrogas power station, Paul Apap Bologna
Next month marks eight years since Daphne Caruana Galizia put up a cryptic message on her blog flagging, for the first time, 17 Black. The February 2017 blogpost consisted of a title, ‘17 Black – the name of a company incorporated in Dubai’, and a photo montage of Keith Schembri, John Dalli, Joseph Muscat and Konrad Mizzi with the words ’17 Black – Dubai’ emblazoned beneath them. It was later in the comments section of the same blog post that Caruana Galizia also mentioned Yorgen Fenech when replying to an observation made by one of her readers. Today, the comment that triggered Caruana Galizia to mention Fenech is no longer available since it was deleted. What we are left with is her reply: “A couple of the owners of their magic new corruption power station: and it’s Yorgen Fenech. So thanks for this, because it really figures.” The Panama Papers confirmed information that Daphne Caruana Galizia had revealed a couple of months earlier that Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi had opened companies in Panama and trusts in New Zealand after Labour won the 2013 electionWhen Caruana Galizia put up that blogpost, she ostensibly did not have the full picture of what 17 Black really was and its purpose. But five days later she described 17 Black as “the company which those crooks use to move money in and out of Dubai”. She also said that the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU) and the Police Commissioner “know all about 17 Black”. A fuller picture emerged three months later when The Malta Independent revealed that an investigation by the FIAU had found that 17 Black was created for the purpose of transferring money to the Panama companies of Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri called Hearnville and Tillgate respectively.
The FIAU investigation, which was not yet completed, had also uncovered money transfers from a company linked to the agent of the floating LNG storage tanker at Delimara, Mario Pullicino, to 17 Black. The TMI story, which came out a week before the 2017 general election, was eclipsed by the allegations made by Caruana Galizia that Egrant, another Panama company, belonged to Michelle Muscat, the wife of then prime minister Joseph Muscat. With the Labour Party going on to win the election in spectacular fashion, 17 Black then faded into obscurity. Caruana Galizia was murdered in October 2017 and it was after her death that a consortium of investigative journalists preserved her work and started looking into several leads she had been working on. Roll forward to April 2018 and Keith Schembri, in a rare public statement issued by the Department of Information, reacted to revelations that his Panama company had listed 17 Black as a target client alongside Macbridge. Schembri confirmed that 17 Black had been included in a business plan for his Panama company but gave no further details. READ THE FULLS TORY HERE: www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/133003/17_black_from_daphnes_cryptic_post_to_criminal_charges_
Imut l-għannej Fredu Abela, “Iż-Żejtuni” Minn Frederick Zammit
3 ta' Jannar 2025
Ritratt: Canva Pro / facebook: Kunsill Lokali Żejtun - Żejtun Local Council Tħabbret il-mewt tal-għannej Fredu ABela mlaqqam “Iż-Żejtuni”. Huwa kellu 85 sena. Meta kien żgħir Fredu kien jiġri ma’ ommu Salvina, li kienet ukoll tgħanni, speċjalment waqt ix-xalati tal-festi, u awtomatikament għaddietha lilu. L-ewwel darba li Fredu għanna quddiem in-nies kien meta kellu 16-il sena. Fredu kiseb popolarità mhux biss f’Malta iżda wkoll fl-Awstralja fejn hu mar ħames darbiet fi tletin sena u ta wirjiet f’Melbourne, Sydney u Adelaide. Kondoljanzi lill-qraba kollha. Fredu, strieħ fis-sliem!
PN to protest, take legal action if 17 Black inquiry findings are manipulated The PN expressed hope that Prime Minister Robert Abela would not exploit the inquiry’s conclusions for political advantage, 'as he abusively and illegally did with the report of the Inquiry into Vitals and Steward'
4 January 2025, by Matthew Farrugia
The opposition vowed to fight any such abuse “through actions and procedures in the courts and the streets of our country” (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)
The Nationalist Party has warned that it will take legal action and stage protests if the findings of the magisterial inquiry into 17 Black are not published transparently or are manipulated. On Friday it emerged that a criminal inquiry has concluded that former senior government officials, and a number of companies should be charged over plans to receive money linked to the Electrogas project. According to information revealed in the Panama Papers leak, Schembri’s and Mizzi’s Panama companies had to receive money to the tune of €150,000 every month from 17 Black. The PN expressed hope that Prime Minister Robert Abela would not exploit the inquiry’s conclusions for political advantage, “as he abusively and illegally did with the report of the Inquiry into Vitals and Steward.” The opposition vowed to fight any such abuse “through actions and procedures in the courts and the streets of our country.” Calling on Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg to ensure the inquiry’s findings are handled professionally, the PN stressed that delays or “incompetence” would be met with strong opposition. It insisted that all implicated individuals be prosecuted swiftly and fairly, warning against any attempts to shield those responsible for corruption. The statement was signed by shadow minister for justice, Karol Aquilina. PL says PN is desperate to seize power Later on Saturday, the Labour Party criticised the PN for what it described as "vile threats and villainous attacks" against the Labour government and its leaders. The PL concluded by accusing the PN of abandoning constructive political debate in favor of extremist tactics driven by desperation for power. PN asks if Robert Abela agrees with inquiry's publications Responding to the PL's statement, the PN challenged Robert Abela to state whether he agrees with the publication of the 17 Black inquiry. "If the Labour Party has nothing to hide, why has it still not publicly declared that the Inquiry into 17 Black and the Panama Papers should be published without further delay?" www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/133001/pn_to_protest_take_legal_action_if_17_black_inquiry_findings_are_manipulated
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Nadur, Gozo Sunday 16th June: 5:30 pm Pontifical Mass at the Sacred Heart Church. With the participation of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.
Mass for the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul 27 June, 2023 Basilica of St. Peter & St. Paul Nadur, Gozo. Malta.
Mass for the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul 27 June, 2023 Basilica of St. Peter & St. Paul Nadur, Gozo. Malta. Group photo: The Knights and Dames of the Confraternity with the Archpriest Mons. Jimmy Xerri and the Clergy of the parish.
l-ewwel jum tat -tridu
Quddiesa ta l-ewwel jum tat -tridu immexxija mis-Sacerdot novell Dun Mario Mercieca li fiha jiccelebra l-ewwel Quddiesa tieghu fil komunita taghna .Jippriedka .l- Arcipriet tax-Xaghra Mons Carmelo Refalo Ritratti minn Mario Muscathttps://www.facebook.com/nadur.ghawdex.96/videos/423540685283950/
The Basilica of Nadur Yesterday Photo by Mario Muscat
Jitnizzlu l-linef ghal festa
Ritratt minn Mario Muscat
Jibda jintrama l-Altar tal- kor ghal festa Ritratt minn Mario Muscat
Il-villagg Tal-Hali fin-Nadur jizzejjen ghal festa Ritratt minn Mario Muscat
Nadur in pictures Dahlet Qorrot Bay Photo by Mario Muscat
L' artal tas-Sagrament fin-Nadur Ritratt minn Mario Muscat
Qala windmill and Nadur skyline under a misty sunset By Alessio Sultana
Fountain at Xandriku Street Photo by Mario Muscat
Il vara ta' San Pietru u San Pawl mahduma minn Galard f' Marseille
Il vara ta San Pietru u San Pawl tan Nadur Ghawdex ingibet min Franza fil 1882. F dan ir ritat narawa kif kienet meta waslet l Ispirtu Santu zdied xi snin wara . Dan ir ritrat grazzi lil Darren Vella
Il-lum, 12 ta’ Mejju jaħbat il-153 sena mill-konsagrazzjoni tal-knisja. Il-Konsagrazzjoni ssir billi l-artal jindilek biż-żejt u jitwaħħlu dawk is-slaleb ta’ madwar il-knisja. Il-Konsagrazzjoni tfisser li dik l-art u l-binja tal-knisja ġew mogħtijin lil Alla. Bħalissa lanqas nistgħu nersqu wisq lejn il-knisja. Nistennew il-jum li nerġgħu niltaqgħu hemm. Sadanittant il-knisja kkonsagrata hija kull wieħed u waħda minna li qed nippruvaw inkunu Knisja fid-dar tagħna.
MOMORJI SBIEH TAL-HADD 25 GUNJU, 1967 Il-Parrocca tan-Nadur giet mgħollija ghad Dinjita ta' Bazilika Ritratt kortesija ta' Mario Muscat - Nadur
MEMORIES OF THE PAST IN NADUR Courtesy of Mario Muscat - Nadur
Mill lum c-centru tan-Nadur jerga jiehu ftit hajja meta mistennija jifthu certu hwienet. Dan wara li ghall-ahhar kwazi xahrejn kienu qed jifthu biss l-bank, spizeriji u hwienet tal-ikel, stationery u ironmongeries.
Nappellaw lil kulhadd biex xorta wahda jimxi mad-direttivi kollha tal-awtoritajiet tas-sahha u nirrispettaw lil xulxin.
The stripes flag to commemorate the Parish birthday in Nadur
Nadur invokes Our Lady’s intercession Photo: Charles Spiteri
A 1689 painting depicting Our Lady breastfeeding Jesus has been placed near the main altar at St Peter and St Paul Basilica in Nadur to invoke Our Lady’s intercession against the COVID-19 pandemic. The painting, donated to the church on the occasion of the inauguration of the new parish in 1688, must have been commissioned by someone who most probably ex-perienced the 1675-1676 plague which left around 11,300 persons dead. However, Gozo, Lija and Mdina recorded no fatalities. Besides Our Lady, the painting depicts St Michael Archangel, St Roque and St Sebastian, and a lady on the bottom left-hand side, reciting the rosary. Since the Middle Ages, St Sebastian and St Roque were regarded as protectors from various epidemics, including the bubonic plague.
Old farm house in Upper Ramla
Photo by Mario Muscat
THE SHIELD OF THE CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Made by Chevalier Chancellor Joe Louis Meilak of the Grand Chapter of Malta. The shield will form part of the furniture in the Office of the Confraternity in Nadur, Gozo. Well done Chancellor Joe Louis Meilak. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
San Koronatu fin-Nadur
Tissebbah in-nicca ta San Koronatu Martri li tinsab gewwa l-Bazilka tan-Nadur minn Mark Falzon.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Melbourne. Today, the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul organized its Annual BBQ to raise money for charity. As always, it was a very successful event and all the patrons were very happy. Thank you to all the volunteers who came to help yesterday and today. God bless you all. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli - Grand Master and the Supreme Council.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Our mission is to helping the poor in Peru. Medic by day, priest by night: a Gozitan missionary in the Amazon By John Paul Cordina.
Photo from left: Chevalier Joe Louis Meilak, Fr. Raymond Portelli and Chevalier Carmel Saliba presenting a donation to the mission in Peru.
What’s it like to be a doctor and a priest in one of the most remote cities on earth? Fr Raymond Portelli, a Gozitan priest who has called Peru his home for the past 26 years, recounted his experiences on 103 Malta’s Heart, on the programme Newsbook Hour presented by Fr Joe Borg. Fr Portelli is based in Iquitos, a city of around 400,000 people located in the Amazon basin. The city is the world’s largest city that cannot be reached by road: it is only accessible by river or air. Fr. Portelli is the parish priest of the St Martín de Porres parish, with a population of 18,000 people. Around a fifth of his parishioners are comfortably middle-class, but the vast majority are poor, with around a tenth living in extreme poverty. Households do have running water and electricity, but many live in simple wooden shacks on dirt roads. Due to the city’s isolation, job creation efforts are limited and unemployment is a significant problem. Many people try to eke out a living through fishing, agriculture or by selling trinkets on the streets of the city. Caring for the body and soul As the only priest in the parish – though a number of laypeople do help out – Fr Portelli seeks to look after his community’s pastoral needs. But he also identified another need: for healthcare. “I have always been interested in medicine, even before I joined the seminary,” he explains. Consequently, he obtained a dispensation from Gozo Bishop Nikol Cauchi to study medicine at Iquitos’ university part-time, and graduated as a medical doctor after nine years. He often sees patients at the parish, but notes that his parishioners clearly distinguish between his two roles. “They call me doctor by day, and father by night,” he notes. Helping out in the jungle Though he is based in the city, Fr Portelli regularly ventures outside the parish to provide religious and medical services to isolated communities along the Momón River, a small tributary of the Amazon. Travelling by speedboat to reach a series of tiny villages, with the most distant one 12 hours away, the priest encounters a completely different reality. These communities are virtually inaccessible most of the year, as a drop in water levels reduces the river to a muddy path, and are thus mostly self-reliant. People live in small huts with no doors – theft not being a concern in such an isolated place – in communities with no shops or facilities. Stocking up on medicines for the journey, Fr Portelli takes care of common ailments such as diabetes and malaria. If more serious health issues are identified, he offers to take patients to the city, but they often refuse, as they are unwilling to leave their families behind. Once all patients are treated, Fr Portelli holds a catechism session and celebrates mass, often illuminated by candlelight or kerosene lamps – electricity is unheard of so deep in the jungle. Though most are baptised Catholics, even non-Catholics attend mass out of respect. Living conditions may be harsh, but Fr Portelli also notes that there is a strong sense of community in these villages, with people helping each other out. Everyone knows everyone else, and everyone helps out whenever a new house is built. But every so often, village inhabitants try their luck in the city, effectively severing their ties with the community they grew up in. And as a result, they often feel lost among the city’s 400,000 inhabitants, struggling to fit in.
The flag of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul created by the Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and put in details by Ross Sabatini.
The flag is now registered as a Trade Mark in the Australian Federal Government IP Australia. Our aim is that one day the flag will fly in St. Peter Paul Square in Nadur during the feast of Mnarja.
Nadurama Poezija ta' Peter Paul Vella
Ghana fic-Centru Kulturali Malti gewwa Melbourne, l' Awstralja
Giacinta GrechNice to keep the Maltese folk singing going on so far from Malta. Was nice to have met a few of you some weeks ago. Best Wishes to ALL, especially Peter Paul Portelli.
Kelinu Vella Haber (1913-2014) Imwieled fin-Nadur fl-1 ta’ Ottubru tal-1913, Kelinu, kif ħafna kienu jsibuh, kien wieħed mill-aktar Nadurin li taw sehem attiv fit-tiswir u t-tisħiħ tal-ilsien Malti matul is-seklu għoxrin. Kien edukat fisSeminarju t’Għawdex u wara filKulleġġ tal-Ġiżwiti f’Birkirkara. Għamel xi żmien novizz mas-Soċjetà Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl u kien hemm li ltaqa’ mal-poeta Karmenu Vassallo. Fost il-ħafna inizzjattivi siewja tiegħu favur il-Malti, huwa waqqaf ‘ix-Xirka għat-Tixrid tal-Ilsien Malti’, u miegħu kien hemm Anton Buttigieg, Ġużè Bonnici, Ġużè Chetcuti u Ġorġ Pisani, li nislu wkoll huwa min-Nadur. L-ewwel laqgħa saret fil-15 ta’ Jannar 1939. Fl-1940 Vella Haber waqqaf din ix-Xirka wkoll ġewwa n-Nadur u din ħadmet bis-sħiħ favur aktar edukazzjoni u tixrid tal-lingwa Maltija kif ukoll biex jinxtered il-litteriżmu. Dan għen lil ħafna żgħażagħ kif ukoll lill-isforzi favur l-emanċipazzjoni tal-mara. Ħeġġeġ ħafna żgħażagħ jibdew jiktbu u mbagħad il-kitba tagħhom kienet tinqara fuq irrediffusion. Fost iż-żgħażagħ li kienu msieħba u ffurmata fl-għaqda li waqqaf Kelinu nsibu persunaġġi bħal Guido De Marco, Charles Camilleri u Frans Ebejer. Kien ukoll membru għal xi żmien fl-Assemblea Nazzjonali tal-Gvern. Miet nhar it-28 ta’ Jannar 2014, fl-età ta’ 100 sena.1 Bħala rikonoxximent tal-ħimda tiegħu kien ingħata Ġieħ irRepubblika fl-1997 mill-President tar-Repubblika l-Eċċ. T. Dr Ugo Mifsud Bonnici.
Fost il-ħafna kitbiet tiegħu, in-Nadur kellu post prominenti. Forsi l-aktar li jispikkaw huma l-folkdrama ‘Nadurjana’ u l-poemett bl-istess isem: ‘Nadurjana’. Il-folkdrama ‘Nadurjana’ li huwa kiteb bħala rakkont f’650 vers joħroġ fil-beraħ il-karattru tan-Nadur u n-Nadurin, dejjem marbuta mal-baħar u mal-agrikultura. Dan kollu fl-isfond tal-istorja li tibda miż-żmien tal-qedem u li twaħħad fiha l-kult lejn San Pietru u San Pawl ma’ dak pagan. Dan irrakkont jimxi mbagħad maż-żmien tal-ħbit tal-furbani, tattwelid tal-parroċċa, taż-żmien li fih saru l-qniepen fl-1815, iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Imnarja fil-Buskett, li inċidentalment qed tagħlaq tliet mitt sena (kien fl-1720, skont ma jikteb Giovanni Agius de Soldanis li l-Imnarja bdiet tiġi ċċelebrata b’dan il-mod fil-Buskett), għall-bini tal-knisja, it-tkabbir tagħha u l-leġġendi marbuta mar-raħal. Hawn se nagħti silta ċkejkna ħafna li anke toħroġ fil-beraħ il-kuntest li fiha nkitbet. Billi din il-folkdrama nkitbet għall-okkażjoni tal-festi triċentinarji mit-twaqqif tal-parroċċa fl-1688, u billi dak iż-żmien qamet il-kwistjoni pjuttost taħraq bejn in-Nadur u l-Qala dwar min minnhom kellu leġittimament jiċċelebra t-300 sena tiegħu, Vella Haber kiteb hekk:
‘In-Nadur kien sar parroċċa maqdes bnew in-Nadurin għax kien ġie Cocco Palmeri amar fis lil Bernardin knisja ibni mar amarlu f’dik il-wesgħa ta’ Nadur qim ġie’ fiha ’l Pietru u Pawlu sadattant aħraq il-bħur ġewwa l-Qala l-Kunċizzjoni fost il-poplu żomm l-unjoni.2
Fih ukoll dawn il-versi patrijottiċi: Jiddomina n-Nadur tagħna minn kull fejn tħares lejh kif mill-port ta’ Malta toħroġ dlonk jisraqlek dwal għajnejk!
Iktar ma qribu tersaq iktar ’il fuq jogħla u kien minħabba f’hekk li nħatar biex għall-Għawdxin ikun gardjola!
Il-widien u l-miġriet tiegħek il-għerien u l-bajjiet ismijiet ta’ nisel juru minn tal-eqdem żminijiet kif il-ġonna u l-kampanja it-triqat l-inħawi sbieħ ismijiet tal-qedem għandhom jixhdu nisel xiħ bis-sħiħ!
Għaċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tas-sena tal-Fidi u tal-1900 sena mill-martirju ta’ San Pietru u San Pawl kienu saru festi kbar fin-Nadur, li l-Knisja Kolleġġjata tiegħu kienet għadha 2 Duminku Camilleri, 125 Sena Kkonsagrata. 125 Sena Bażilika, Vigilat 4, (Nadur 1992), 86-98.
hemm ġiet mgħollija għad-dinjità ta’ Bażilika Minuri. Waqt Akkademja mużiko-letterarja nhar il-Ħamis 27 ta’ Ġunju 1968 kienet inqrat il-peożija ta’ Vella Haber li ġġib l-istess isem ‘Nadurjana’. Dan huwa wkoll xogħol patrijottiku fuq l-istess temi ta’ dak imsemmi aktar ’il fuq:
Wiret in-Nadur fuqani l-isbaħ u l-ogħla fost kull panorama li jiflaħ joffri l-arċipelagu tagħna ... ... In-Nadur kiseb foħrija kiseb ġmiel u dija kiseb ruħ Nadurija mill-erwieħ tal-Għawdxin l-oħra.
3 Fost diversi poeżiji oħrajn li huwa kiteb dwar in-Nadur insibu għadd fil-ktieb ta’ Karm Caruana In-Nadur u t-Tempju Tiegħu Monumentali. ‘Il-Bajja ta’ San Blas’ li hija ddedikata lil Girgor Buttigieg ‘Naduri li għex u miet ta’ qaddis,’ u fiha jiddeskrivi l-bajja bħala ‘s-sebħ u l-kobor tan-Nadur,’ blistess stil romantiku ta’ poeti oħrajn ta’ qablu: ‘San Blas nitgħaxxaq bik: / Seħer il-ħajja nsibu kollu fik!’4
Imbagħad insibu wkoll diversi poeżiji oħrajn b’laqta patrijottika. Vella Haber kiteb ‘Il-Kanuni tan-Nadur’ bħala ‘tifkira tal-Professur Lazzru Pisani li Pitter ilMaqdes tan-Nadur.’ Fiha l-kanuni li xi darba kienu jisparaw fuq ‘il-misħut Nofs Qamar’ sabiex jiddefendu lir-reliġjon Nisranija, issa jinsabu sektin. Kanuni oħrajn ‘qniepen saru,’ b’referenza għall-manuvra li kien għamel il-kappillan Dun Anton Scasciato (1772-1834) fl-18151816 meta rnexxielu jakkwista kanuni bil-permess tal Gvernatur Sir Thomas Maitland (1760-1824) sabiex jagħmilhom qniepen ġodda.5 F’ ‘Żernieq il-Maqdes tanNadur’ iddedikata bħala ‘Bukkett qronfol lill-Professur F.S. Sciortino’, il-poeta jibda mill-leġġenda tal-bini talKnisja meta Girgor għabba l-ħmara bil-ġebel u fejn din waqfet, allura nbniet din il-binja u jinfexx f’ħafna tifħir:
Maqdes gwapp ħafna n-Nadur inbena Nixxiegħa sar tal-ogħla sebħ u faħar; Ġieħ dan il-maqdes jiktor, le jinfena.
6 Fuq laqta reliġjuża, fil-poeżija ‘Luminaria Magna’, ‘B’tifkira u żżih il-ħajr lill-Artista Piju Cellini’, Vella Haber jeżalta lil San Pietru u San Pawl fil-ġrajjiet ta’ Attila s-Salvaġġ. Kienu huma li ‘ħarġu għalih bil-qilla, / ħanqu lill-għadu bir-rabtiet tal-lġiem.’ Hekk ukoll ‘aħna nirbħu żgur ... il-Kruċjata Mqaddsa ...’ Dan kollu bit-tarka tal-Imnarja, voldieri tażżewġt idwal li huma San Pietru u San Pawl.7
Anke fix-xogħol tiegħu ‘Quddiem San Koronatu Martri. Fit-Tempju Monumentali tan-Nadur,’ Kelinu jinseġ għanja ta’ tifħir lil dan il-bniedem li sa minn żmien ilu n-Nadurin qisuh bħala Kon-Patrun tagħhom flimkien ma’ San Pietru u San Pawl:
L-osservazzjoni li jagħmel meta jikteb li ‘mhux ta’ b’xejn b’ismek imgħammda / ħafna wlied minn tan-Nadur!’ kienet tapplika b’mod tajjeb għall-1953 meta dehret din il-poeżija ppubblikata, iżda llum iż-żminijiet inbidlu u huma ftit jekk xejn, dawk it-tfal Nadurin li jiġu msemmija għal San Koronatu. Jolqtok ukoll kif Vella Haber jitratta mal-fatt li ma nafu xejn dwar dan il-korp, iżda hu joħroġ b’dan: ‘Aktar m’Int mostur u moħbi, / aktar fostna sirt magħruf ...’ U tassew għaliex f’dawn iż-żminijiet li fih kien qed jikteb San Koronatu kien għad għandu ħafna popolarità fin-Nadur, xi ħaġa li bħal dik tal-ismijiet, illum ixxejnet ukoll.
3 Duminku Camilleri, 200 Sena mit-Twelid ta’ l-E.T. Mons. M. Buttigieg. 100 Sena Arċipretali, Vigilat 5, (Nadur 1993), 94-95. 4 Karm Caruana, In-Nadur u t-Tempju Tiegħu Monumentali, (Nadur 1953), 23.
5 Ibid., 120 6 Ibid., 125 7 Ibid., 133. Kelinu Vella Haber jingħata ġieħ mill-Akkademja tal-Malti f'għeluq il-mitt sena tiegħu - 2013 Storja, Kultura u Attwalità36
'In-Nadur' Poezija ta' Patri Mattew Sultana
Jekk f’sidri nħoss nifs qawwi, Jekk bqajt sal-lum bil-ferħ qalbi trid tfur, Ngħid li mill-arja, mid-dehriet ta’ seħer U l-ħlewwa tan-Nadur.
Fejn il-ħolqien jitbissem Kont nilmaħ qalb dawk l-oqsma, żara’ u ħdura; Widien, għoljiet, siġar tal-frott fejn tħares; Kemm xtaqtni ma ġejtx lura!
X’jiem hienja! X’jiem ta’ seħer, F’raħal sabiħ, f’ġenna tal-art qattajt! Sirt naf in-nies, tħabbibt, ħabbejt, ħabbewni; Nies bħalhom, ftit, jekk rajt! Sal-lum bqajt nistħajjilni
Inħoss il-fewġa tonfoħ f’dawk l-ibruħ, Tmelles fuq wiċċi u fuq uċuh ir-raba’ U nħossha ‘ttini r-ruħ. U għalkemm minkejja fija
Tlaqt f’qasir żmien u ’l min sirt naf ħallejt, Ġmiel in-natura mżiegħed f’dawk l-inħawi U r-raħal qatt ma nsejt. Għax dawn in-nies dħulija ...
Maqdes San Pietru Pawl, ġmiel kull fejn tmur, Ħallewni noħlom b’dawk il-jiem mgħoddija F’dil-‘Ġenna ta’ Nadur’.
Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi receives Gieh in-Nadur 23 November, 2019
Members of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul of the Grand Chapter of Malta, during the presentation of Gieh in Nadur to Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi Deputy Chancellor.
Photo from left: Chevalier Adonai Camilleri Cauchi, Dame Marlene Muscat, Chevalier Carmel Saliba, Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi, Chevalier Chancellor Joseph Louis Meilak, Brother Matthias Mercieca and Dame Veronica Camilleri Cauchi.
Message from the Grand Master H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli
Photo: The Secretary Chevalier Carmel Saliba is reading the message from the Grand Master for the presentation of Gieh in Nadur to Chevalier Deputy Chancellor Michael Camilleri Cauchi.
The Grand Master His Excellency Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and the Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is very honoured to have Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi one of its own.
He has been a very dedicated and honourable member of our Confraternity. He is always ready to give advice to help our Confraternity to achieve more.
We are very happy to say that on Tuesday this week, we donated $10,000 to the Royal Women’s Hospital - Newborn Intensive Care Unit. The money was raised from a Fund Raising Lunch we had last month and some donations from individuals and sponsors.
This year we donated others sums of money to the Australian Farmers who were suffering from drought-ravaged part of the State of Victoria and to our missions in Peru.
Our Confraternity is still small but it’s making a big impact to help those in need.
We like to Congratulate Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi, on receiving the honour Gieh in-Nadur 2019.
God bless you.
H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
Gozo Channel ship damaged after crashing into pier - MinisterMonday, 25 November 2019, Gozo Channel is operating with only two ships after one of the ferries was damaged today due to the strong winds and rough seas, Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana told Parliament. It had already been announced that the MV Nikolaus, which was leased by the company to operate as a fourth vessel, was to undergo repair work that will last till mid-December. The company was operating with three vessels until this morning when one of the remaining three ships was damaged and needs repair work.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Melbourne. Australia. By Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli - Grand Master
On Tuesday 19 November, 2019 the Members of the Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul made a generous donation of $10,000 to the Royal Women's Hospital - Newborn Intensive Care Unit.
Every year more than1,600 babies who are born sick or prematurely are cared for by the specialist NICU team at the Women's.
The money was raised from a Lunch organised by theGrand Chapter of Melbourne on the 13 of October, 2019.
The Supreme Council has agreed to donate money to the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital at the Good Friday Appeal.
Photo from left: Chevalier Saverio Greto, Dame Gail Vas, Dame Carmela Barbaro, Chevalier Vincenzo Galtieri. H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli - Grand Master presenting the cheque to Sue Jacobs Deputy Clinical Director - Neonatal Paediatrician, Laura Bignell Chief Midwifery and Nursing Officer, Dame Angela Greto and Dame Mimma Sabatini.
Yesterday Bishop Giovanni Cefai a missionary priest in Peru celebrated Mass in the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nadur. After the Mass the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul donated money to his mission. Thanks to the Supreme Council of the Confraternity in Melbourne and the Grand Chapter of Nadur for the money. Thanks also to Mons. Jimmy Xerri Parish Priest of Nadur for his support.
This was the second time that the Confraternity donated money to missions in Peru in the last couple of months.
God bless His Excellency Bishop Giovanni Cefai for his work to help the poor and the sick.
God bless the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
Dahlet Qorrot Bay from Sopu Tower in San Blas Nadur, Gozo. Malta.
Nadur Bailica Church from San Blas
Sopu Tower built in 1667 by the Knights of Malta
Sopu Tower is situated on the cliffs between St. Blas and Dahlet Qorrot bays in Nadur.
Black statue of St. Peter on the throne
I saw this statue while visiting the church of St Anselm and St Cecilia Roman Catholic church in Kingsway, Holborn, London.
Just like the one in Rome and Nadur.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Nadur. Gozo. A meeting of the Confraternity was held in the Nadur Council Board Room on Monday 24th June where two newly Knights were appointed by Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and Paul. These are Chev Joe M. Attard of Rabat Gozo and Chev Joe Meilaq. Congratulations. Photos Copyright Carmel Saliba 24.6.19.
After the meeting of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and Paul we attended for the 25th Anniversary Mass of Fr Raymond Portelli at Nadur Basilica. Donations to Fr Raymond were presented to be used in his mission in Peru. Congratulations to Fr Raymond. Photos Copyright Carmel Saliba 24.6.19.